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so stressed

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Hi , Here is the sitch. I been with a guy for 3 yrs on and off. always breaking up due to not working out fights. We always end up together. this last few months with him has been so great. I have been so happy and he has too. Iknow this because he acts and does things that show it. Well he is leaving for the coast guard in a few days and we always planned on working it out and me moving with him eventually. after he can be in his own housing...Well all the sudden now with these few days left he has totally changed his attitude towards me he is not even spending much time with me and I dont even think he is gonna say goodbye. I dont get it . Is he freaking because he does not want to go and leave me behind. is he not wanting to say goodbye to me. Or is he just planning on ditching me when he gets gone.........

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