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questionable ex

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just wondering


I am a "newbie" so I might now exactly have all lingo down - please bear with me. I will try and keep this short and sweet but his ex seems to be an ongoing problem over the 7 months we have been going out (although she seems to have "backed off" a lil' the past month or so).I am not a drama person and try to keep as lil' as possible in my life and unfortunately she is a drama queen.

One example is she contacted my boyfriend (they are still "friends") in July under the pretense of her car lease being up shortly (like 30 days left on it) and when he said he couldn't go she cancelled and never went. Supposedly the car salesperson had this "deal" and she had to go that night - well all of

a sudden he calls her back and the "car was sold" so she never goes.

Well about a week ago she contacts my boyfriend about her $$$ woes

and states she doesn't know what to do when her lease is up next month (Dec.) - hmmmm.

You see I was fine with them being friends at first but over time have found out that she is not a very honest, trustworthy person (her stories don't all fit

together). An example of this would be when she broke up with him she had

told my friends that they broke up because he didn't want to get married. She had not told him that - she had told him they were better off as "friends". Well I didn't know and told him "oh yes I know why you broke up" and I "accidently spilled the beans". He never knew (and questioned her about it) and I was right. She also thought (but only her) they were still going to date after she moved out.

I think she might have emotional stability issues. She contacted my boyfriend thinking she left checks at his house (she had left a bunch of stuff after moving out). He had plans with me but said would meet her at his house and then come over. Well he is in shower and gets a text and a voicemail that she doesn't need to come over cause she found the checks so he heads over without calling her back. Whilst at my house he gets a textstating "a@@&*%$" - I turned to him and asked what did he say? He said nothing because he hadn't called her back. So I said text her back and see what she says. She texted was upset he didn't call her back. Well there is a backside to this - she was seeing someone and had not heard back from him in a few hours. She got drunk and took something to sleep to "cope" and then texted my boyfriend. They got into a fight because he told her I was the priority - she finally moved the rest of her stuff out but he made me leave when she came and got her stuff because he didn't think she could "handle" it.

So much for keeping it short. Any advice on how to handle situation or how to talk to boyfriend (believe me we have had several conversations). He thinks he's being a nice guy and doing "the right thing" - she moved out here to be with him, etc.

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