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So, my story is already posted here, but I'll try to give a brief history. Basically, my ex and I have been broken up for 6 weeks. Before me, she was in 2 consecutive relationships. We broke up because she needs time to heal, grieve, be free, blah..blah..blah. Anyway, I was doing NC and reached the 2 week mark. I was pretty impressed with myself if I don't say. Then...I was walking out of my driveway and there she was! She said she was just walking around (she lives 3 miles from me but taking long walks is normal for her) to clear her head since it would have been 9 years with her ex and ended up by me. We talked a lot about nothing. She asked if I was ever going to call her again. She said she hadn't called because she was respecting my feelings. Then she asked for a hug. She grabbed me and yanked me and would not let go of me. She preceeded to say how she loves how we fit together physically. Then...I ended up seeing her out Sunday night. She continued to talk to my best friend telling her how that "she loves me to death, misses me terribly and wants so bad to date me. She also said that she understand why I'm NOT ok dating her and other people at the same time. She said she just needs to clear her head and stuff. She then said I'm one of the greatest people she knows and that I'm an amazing person. I assume she told her that stuff because she knew my friend would tell me. Then...today (2 days later) she calls me to ask how I was feeling after the party Sunday. (too much alcohol) She was out front of my work. (which she has to pass if she's going to take the train to work) I went downstairs and ended up walking her to the train. Then she calls 2 seconds later to say something silly about the train and that she sees me crossing the street. What the heck??? It feels like she's letting me go to a point and then when I don't call her, she calls me. I think she's scared to let me go because she wants me there when she's ready to commit emotionally. What do you all think???

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