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What to do?

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I have been dating this guy for over a month and he has me at a complete standstill. I have never had any problems like this in a relationship. When we first started dating we spent a lot of time together. It was great because we were so compatible. This lasted for about two weeks and then it happened. He works as a bartender and I went in to see him and hang out with my friends. I was drinking and having a great time. I sat the lap of one of the guys we were with and he did not like this. He complained the whole first week that I never showed him that I cared about this realtionship and he felt like he wanted this more than me. After this whole incident, I got to think that maybe I should let him in on how I feel about him. So I did. I have sent him letters, cards, and told him numerous times that I care. He is now not calling like he used to and we hardly ever go out anymore but he still calls me his girlfriend. He says he is skeptical of me and my intentions and that I do not even act like I want this, but yet going by and seeing him, calling, dropping by his house,and sending him cards is smothering him. I have no idea what to do. Can anyone help because I hate feeling like I can not even love on my man whenever we run into each other out for fear I am snothering him but yet if I do not acknowledge him he thinks I do not care!

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