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guy has a wedding picture on mantle in home but he has been divorced for over 6 years. he also has pictures of different women on his dresser mirror in his bedroom. what is a woman to think when she visits? is he still holding on or is it just sentimental reasons? he says the relationship was a bad one. i'm this way the relationship is over why would i keep a picture of that person around.

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As far as the wedding picture, sounds like he's still holding on. There's really no difference between sentimentality and holding on.


I'd be more concerned about his putting up all the ladies' pictures on his bedroom dressor mirror for everybody to see. Unless they are his sisters, cousins, or other relatives, I'd say there's a problem here. Let him know he doesn't have permission to add your picture to his collection.


If these are girls he has dated, it's in pretty poor taste to keep them up and expose you to them. At least they're clothed...I hope.


And just what were you doing in his bedroom??? (lol)

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maybe in the wedding picture, he thinks HE looks like a stud. sounds to me like he's either trying to show off, he has lots of cousins, or maybe he don't even pay attention to the pictures cuz they've been there a long time, like he probably don't sit there and stare at 'em ya know? but i know what you are saying, i would be bothered by it too. find out who they are. with a smile, say something like.... WOW you sure look like a popular guy with the ladies.... then LAUGH. if you laugh afterwards, i'm pretty sure he won't take you as being annoyed in any way and you just might get some answers.

guy has a wedding picture on mantle in home but he has been divorced for over 6 years. he also has pictures of different women on his dresser mirror in his bedroom. what is a woman to think when she visits? is he still holding on or is it just sentimental reasons? he says the relationship was a bad one. i'm this way the relationship is over why would i keep a picture of that person around.
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hi lele,


perhaps he isn't over his ex-wife yet. of the many people i know who are divorced, i don't know a single one who has pictures around of their ex. heck, i don't even pictures up my ex who i loved very much, and we were never married. i just don't want to hang on and see his face every day when we aren't together anymore!!!!


maybe the pictures on his dresser are of his many sisters....his mother at various stages of her life....did he attend an all-girl's school? (joking)...are they ex-girlfriends? i actually have a friend who had a similar problem to you. this guy she was dating has never been married, but he had many photos of many different girls around his house and his bedroom....they were all ex-girlfriends and/or 'conquests'. she was not impressed and needless to say, they aren't together anymore. the fact that they aren't together anymore would probably also have a lot to do with the fact that he shouted *his* sister's name out during sex (i kid you not!!!)....my poor friend! but that's next weeks episode of jerry springer.


yes, i would be a little unnerved by his display of photos. just casually ask him who they are and if he won't tell you or if you don't like the answer, find a guy who isn't hung-up on anybody but you.



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Sorry but that's extremely weird. I was married for 2 years (together in total for 3 yrs)..I've been divorced for over 6 years and I don't even think I have one picture of him/us/no wedding pics, nothing. What would be the point?


If your guy claims to have been divorced for 6 years and still has his wedding pic on the mantle, I'd seriously wonder if a) he's really been divorced 6 yrs? b) he's STILL married, maybe he's just 'separated' and he keeps that pic there in case his WIFE comes over to visit, etc.


As for the pics of chics in his bedroom, that's also strange. How old is this guy anyway? I've really never known guys to be so sentimental as to keep pics of exes, much less display them all over. Maybe he's very insecure and needs to display all these pics to boost his fragile ego?


I say something sounds strange here.



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That is, if the pictures are of his "ex-s" not family and/or friends. Ask him who they are before you jump to any conclusions. If they're pics of old flames, I think it's weird. If he's hanging on to them and displaying them as trophies or something, ewwww... Creepy! (Yeah and what were you doing in his room?)


I remember the first time I went over to this guy's house and saw pictures of another woman which appeared to be "on display". I wondered about them but didn't ask. He removed the pics and briefly apologized but didn't really say who the woman was. We had only been dating a few weeks, and I suppose he didn't really owe me an explanation at that time. He removed those pictures that very day, and I never saw them again.


It turned out she was an old girlfriend who still remained close to his mother (still does to this day in fact). His mother later made a comment to me about those pictures stating "ya know, he did have a life before you!" She couldn't believe he removed the pictures out of respect for me, she thought I made him do it...


P.S. We married later that year and have been ever since!

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