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Time to move on

wanting to heal

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wanting to heal

I filed 11/11. Ready to move on with a woman that I can trust and can really give her heart. Married 23 yrs, not happy for the last 6 or so.


This is going to be hard, I do not want to lose the trust and respect of my 17 yr old daughter. My wife has been very aloof, and is already taking the low road in the divorce. That is sad, I hold all the cards. I just want to get this over with and move on. My wife will want to drag it out for support.:sick:


Any thoughts?

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no advice per se; everything will be fine with your daughter if you don't bad mouth your ex . . . but with her being 17, she'll be able to pick up on subtler clues you might be giving off as well, so just be cautious and allow your daughter to vent if she needs too . . .


wishing you well

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