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*Note to Panhandler fans*


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Ive read many of Panhandlers posts that have racist undertones to them (which is basically every one), yet he seems to be one of the most popular posters. Im not saying people arent guilty of prejudice because everyone is.


For example many women of some kind of colour feel sick when they think about having sex with a white guy and how horrible is white transluscent skin?

I saw this white guy naked without a tan by accident and I wish I didnt!!!:sick:

And white men ARE paedophiles as thought by one of my best friends cites... but I dont bring up stuff like that on a communal message board where I know white/ caucasion poeople will be. Even if I did I suspect you wouldnt humour me the way you humour Panhandler. Why would this be I wonder....??????

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... but I dont bring up stuff like that on a communal message board where I know white/ caucasion poeople will be.


but...you just did:confused:

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but...you just did:confused:




There's a huge difference between you. Panhandler is generally believed to be a troll on here to cause a stir. He does that for sure! But also he is not overly credited with a large amount of intelligence for the main part, so the troll/bit thick thing means we don't take it as personally.


For you as a 'regular' poster with more intelligence, we would obviously be more insulted.

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nuf said?????


DOH! I must look at who I'm replying to more carefully! Regular poster my ass!! :confused:


Maybe it's Panhandlers other identity?!! :eek:

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See what I mean, I knew how youre gonna react any way. Just because I repeated some conversations that people say in my presence you attack me. If I stay on this website for a year then can I say racist stuff????:confused:


If liking white men with olive skin is a crime against my intelligence then....ooops I jus committed it.:laugh:


P.S; If you missed the sarcasm there then I'd explain to you that I put that post up to see what you would say, just as expected.

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It seems to me that you have brought race to the forefront..


You started a thread about it..


Yes panhandlers posts are out there.. but really you should either participate on his threads or ignore him..

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OK, OK I had boiling blood when I wrote that. Wrath: one of the seven deadly sins? Ive calmed down now. I didnt know his history and nobody seemed to answer me when I asked in the past. But Im not apologising to him.


Love and light:)


P.S: "Its nice to know what you think of newbies" (she said, weeping uncontolably):(

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OK, OK I had boiling blood when I wrote that. Wrath: one of the seven deadly sins? Ive calmed down now. I didnt know his history and nobody seemed to answer me when I asked in the past. But Im not apologising to him.


Love and light:)


P.S: "Its nice to know what you think of newbies" (she said, weeping uncontolably):(


Not so much newbies.. but unconfirmed accounts do make posters suspicious! Good to see you've confirmed yours! :)

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As I said in my other post racism is inherent, it's a curse put on people after they worked together to build the Tower Of Babble. The Tower Of Babble was a monument to the strength of men, without God. To disunify people, God cursed them with their own unique cultural differences and languages disunifying them, making them distrustful of one another, and hateful of eachother. This is the work of God, that he put to make people think differently of one another and to not celebrate strength in humanity.


Our politically correct world today preaches, racial integration, and tolerance, equality. But people still spite and are hateful towards other races, both suddle and blatant, violent, and totally destructive with war. But we are living with a false sense of peace since people are united by good works, rather than holy works, they are only able to work together and like eachother in a limited way.


If people were truely good, holy and innoccent under God, then they wouldn't feel any lowly of others around them. But when I see the behavior of a lot of races, even my own, I am glad I am me, and I am proud of the positive things of my race, but I also aknowledge the flaws. But I am still treated better, and am more comfortable with people of my race, because I know they don't have the hate for me I feel from other races. So it's a sort of reverse racism that makes people simply defensively racist, even if they aren't perticularly racist by choice.


But seeing how the mixing of cultures, and the clash of cultures has taken a toll on many towns with the integration of races, I cannot blame any white person for hating other races. I mean there was absolutely no crime until city minorities started to move into my area, and I can say the same about a lot of places even if they traditionally had some black people living in the area. It's been the clash and conflict of cultures united in a false peace, that keeps proving to be false and empty.


There is nothing holy holding people together, so there is tension crime and hate all around us under a guise of peace and harmony, like on tv and commercials.

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If you wanted you to read your post Panhandler. Im sorry I didnt, youre messages are too long and rambling plus no smileys!!!:)

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