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Are these Good Signs? Anyone went through the same thing? Men advice wanted as well!!


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My husband and I have been going through rough times. But I think things are getting better – I am very hopeful. When he told me that he did not love me anymore. I freaked

I would cry all the time Beg him and demand answers and tell him I can’t live without him. That did not help the situation. I am still upset but I backed off and communication between him and I are much better I would cry when he leaves the house and when he gets home I would just be laid back and give him his physical and emotional space.

He use to not want me to come near him but now when I would go over to kiss his check he does not back off and when I hug him he hugs me back. He started called me Honey, sweetheart etc. When I would tell him that I loved him he would not reply. And he is not being close to me like no hugs, kisses holding hands etc even cuddling in bed!!! He always has his back to me.

We are having trust problems.. Where I am trying to rebuild his trust because he feels like he cant trust me for silly reasons that mean a lot to him. Does it take a while to build trust? I started slowly by doing what I say and I promised him that we will be open with each other and he agreed.

We are also still discussing future plans like buying a condo etc….

His mother asked him if anything was wrong between us and he replied its just silly couples fight and he told his sister he is willing to try if I change my ways.

I have changed in many, many ways (less aggressive more positive and passive) and I see slight changed in him but no affectionnnnn!

Him and I eloped and my parents still have not accepted him but his parents love me and he feels like there is nothing in it for him.

Guys what do you think? Will it take a while to get his affection back? How long to wait?

Are all these good signs?

MEN – your feedback is needed? Is this normal for guys?

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He is not into counseling does not feel comfortable. Its a cultural thing hes from North Africa. But he knows that I have been reading about realtionships.

My chnages have been postive,consistent.

any more feedback

thank you guys

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No its not normal... Well not for me anyway, I am usually the one to get told to back off and stop being so affectionate. I think he may just be hanging around until he can find something else. Sorry.

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Ignore him, make him jealous, live realizing you do not need him to survive. He will change his tune once he notices that you are having fun and a life without him. When he says he does not want to be affectionate, agree with him, say something like" Yeah you are right I have somethings I need to go do anyways." He will change his tune once he realizes he does not control you.

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Great advice! I have been trying that for a week now.... He started getting a little closer to me but not the way it use to be. I am just scared that I lost him for good :( because this has been dragging.

So from a mans perspective being needy and clingy wont really work.

I would tell him that I love hima nd he would answer back that he knows and to tell him something he does not know. He would kid around saying why wont u say u hate me? etc... He would say cruel things and they go no no honey i am just kidding.... etc...

I really want his attention back...

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He would kid around saying why wont u say u hate me? etc... He would say cruel things and they go no no honey i am just kidding.... etc...

I really want his attention back...

A lot of truth is said in Jest.

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