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Husbands dealing with jealous exwives...i need your advice too

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If your exwife or long term xgf kept calling you to ask for you to come back but you were in love with someone else what would you tell her? How would you react to her to make her stop calling? Would you stay on the phone and argue? Would you answer the phone everytime she called you (which is several times throughout the day...everyday). And finally if you were involved in a relationship that you truly and thoroughly enjoyed for the past 8 months...would you be angry if your gf took it upon herself and went over to the exs house and left a letter or got her cell # off of your phone or even just rang her door bell to discuss this issue with her? Something needs to be done. I cant handle this anymore but I dont want to leave him. I just want this situation to be taken care of.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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