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A friend of mine, whom just turned 23, has recently started to going out with a young woman(about a month, but they've known one another for about 2 months). The thing is, she is 16. They say they are in love, and when I've seen them together, they seem to match and get along and have fun together, but i keep warning him, she's still in High school, she is still young....


I mean, he has a great job, a great personality, and girls his own age find him attractive and like him....


I don't know what to tell him , cause all he says is he's in love, and the worse part is, her parents don't support her dating an older guy....

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You should stay out of your friends love life basically because you could talk to him until your blue in the face about why it's not a good idea to get involved with someone who is not even an "adult" yet (age, maturity, legally) and he still won't listen. All you can do is be there for him when this thing ends.....and believe me it will end. Hang in there.

A friend of mine, whom just turned 23, has recently started to going out with a young woman(about a month, but they've known one another for about 2 months). The thing is, she is 16. They say they are in love, and when I've seen them together, they seem to match and get along and have fun together, but i keep warning him, she's still in High school, she is still young.... I mean, he has a great job, a great personality, and girls his own age find him attractive and like him.... I don't know what to tell him , cause all he says is he's in love, and the worse part is, her parents don't support her dating an older guy....
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There's nothing you can say that'll really make him change him mind. Most people know by experience or others experience that relationships like this don't last. I have a friend who married a girl out of high school they had two kids and after 6 years are separated. It's usually just common sense that certain things don't turn out. He will find this out for himself. Just be a friend when he needs you.

A friend of mine, whom just turned 23, has recently started to going out with a young woman(about a month, but they've known one another for about 2 months). The thing is, she is 16. They say they are in love, and when I've seen them together, they seem to match and get along and have fun together, but i keep warning him, she's still in High school, she is still young.... I mean, he has a great job, a great personality, and girls his own age find him attractive and like him.... I don't know what to tell him , cause all he says is he's in love, and the worse part is, her parents don't support her dating an older guy....
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