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Widow moving on...does my friend like me romantically?


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Hello everyone. Here's a brief background to my story. My husband passed away two years ago. He was in the Radio business and knew many people.

One of his golf buddies who is a well known Radio Personality in this area, has been a friend of mine as well (I'll call him Alex) as I do a lot of fundraising for charity that his station promotes. Anyway, in the past 6 months I have noticed a lot of body language from him towards me that I don't see him displaying to others. He's always in the public eye due to his work, and he's very social but not flirty towards others. I've noticed that Alex stares at me a lot and looks at me directly in the eye for a long time (he doesn't do that with others). He's always smiling at me and he stands so close to me that our arms brush up against each other. Alex also gives me hugs (bear type hugs) and he reaches to shake my hand but it turns into more of a hand hold for a few seconds rather than a hand shake. He doesn't shake hands of other women from what I have observed. He always treats my daughter (she's 6) as if he's her uncle and he always invites her to visit the station while he's on the air (not something that normally is allowed at stations!!). She just thinks he's the greatest. Alex always tries to make us laugh.


So I guess I'm second guessing myself because he's well known in this area and I've finally been able to pick up the pieces after my husband passed away.

Last week when I saw him at a Charity event, he hugged me (both arms) and said, "Hello Sweetie!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I haven't seen him kiss other female friends or hug them like that, and he doesn't call everyone sweetie.


Can someone please give me an idea based on the body language I mentioned whether you think he is romantically interested in me?


Thanks so much!

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Looks like interest to me. Why don't you ask him to do lunch with you, see how he responds to that. You can make up some professional excuse for it if you feel the need. Lunch can be a very innocent, platonic thing - but if the interest is there, it will probably lead him to ask you to dinner. BTW take it easy, I know you must be lonely, what with the passing of your husband and all, but there's no need to jump headlong into something right away...you could get hurt...

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Why not say that on Saturday you are going to have a BBQ and would he like to come over and join you and your daughter ?


Sounds friendly enough....

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Thanks so much to replying to my original post (re: Widow moving on).

I have asked "Alex" out for coffee so we could work on a fundraising event for charity.

He smiled and said "sure, no problem" when I asked him.

Yes, I'm going to take things slow and I'm not jumping into a relationship don't worry.


Anyway, I have a question and I hope you men can help me with this one.

A friend of mine told me that if a guy really likes you, he will try to build a

relationship with your child, especially if he intends on sticking around.

She said something about "the best way to a cow is through the calf"....LOL

Not that I want to be compared to a cow....LOL


Do you think there is any truth to that?

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I would tend to think your child is the whole package deal and he if serious , is going to bond with the child as well as you.

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