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Tips for cheap long distance?

David Gevert

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David Gevert

Hey guys, I'm currently trying to find alternatives/work-arounds to talking to someone over a phone. My girlfriend and I talk for about an hour every night...long distance. That gets expensive. Anyone got any tips? Anyone tried the various "internet phones" out there? We're probably going to try AOL Instant Messenger's real-time talk feature, too.

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Here's a suggestion...


On Yahoo, you can set up an acct there Yahoo! and start up your own "Club"..it's basically like a chat room...and it has a Voice Feature. After you sign up on Yahoo, find the link somewhere for "Clubs" and create your own. I've been to a few of these chat room thingies and the Voice feature is great...not very much lag at all, it's darn good, actually.


There's one "net phone" thing I heard about once, Net2Phone (http://www.net2phone.com ??).....if you're in the U.S., I think you can make free calls this way (through your computer)..might want to check that out.



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Yeah, AOL IM's Talk feature works and is very simple to use. All you need are headphones.


Something you might REALLY enjoy though is both of you investing in a PC Camera/Webcam for your computer. It's those little things you can stick on top of your monitor.


I have one that I got over a year ago for a little over a hundred bucks(?). By now, I'm sure they are MUCH cheaper, maybe half as much.


The one I have is the Intel PC Camera/Video Phone. It lets you see and hear the person you are calling. And instead of using a telephone line, you can use the Internet to make the video calls.


I used this a few times to communicate with my brother in California. And it's pretty cool!

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I use aol IM but we also use www.dialpad.com


hope this helps.

Hey guys, I'm currently trying to find alternatives/work-arounds to talking to someone over a phone. My girlfriend and I talk for about an hour every night...long distance. That gets expensive. Anyone got any tips? Anyone tried the various "internet phones" out there? We're probably going to try AOL Instant Messenger's real-time talk feature, too.
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