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Why do guys tickle?


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I have this male co-worker who I talk to occasionally, but we're just friends. Anyways, lately he's started tickling me when he walks by me....why do guys do this? I'm totally lost. Is he hitting on me?

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If he's not hitting on you then he's certainly getting very, very friendly. If it's more friendly than you're comfortable with, you need to say so and soon so that he doesn't start to believe that it's okay. That is, unless it's okay with you. ;)

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Well, if you don't like him tickling you, you're in the perfect position as manager to tell him that that is inappropriate behavior for the work place.

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If I saw him doing this while I was at Blockbuster, I don't think I'd want to rent there again. It's not professional, especially if the customers can see it.


You need to have a talk with him.

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LOL.. I have a co-worker who does the same to me (he's married). It's very uncomfortable for me. I believe it's their way of showing some undercover interests.But dont quote me on it.

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Actually, you never specified what part of your body he's trying to tickle. I think that could be an important detail.


- Is he slipping of your shoes and using a feather on your feet?

- Is he tickling your ear with his tongue while he whispers what he'd like to do with you in the comedy section?


More detail would probably help.

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Is he tickling your ear with his tongue while he whispers what he'd like to do with you in the comedy section?


Imagine what he'd do if Blockbuster had an adult section...

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:lmao: oh god guys.....too funny. But he's been tickling my sides to end the mystery and all those dirty thoughts.
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He tickles your sides because he can't grab your breasts or squeeze your ass.


It's the only reason I would tickle your sides in public.

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If one of my subordinates laid a finger on me, he'd be told immediately and in no uncertain terms that it is unacceptable. Can you imagine walking up to your manager and tickling him?

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Tickling can be a particularly difficult thing to handle. I'm very ticklish, so if someone attacks me like that I will automatically scream with laughter - which, of course, is interpreted as "I am enjoying this."


In your situation, I think the only thing I could do would be say "Look, I might laugh due to being ticklish but believe me when I say I do NOT appreciate being touched up in the workplace. I don't want to make an issue of this, so let's just make sure I don't need to, eh?"


His feelings might be hurt, he might accuse you of being "no fun" and he might grumble to other workers that you haven't got a sense of humour, but he'll get over it in no time....particularly if you have your little talk with him, then continue being perfectly cordial and professional in order to demonstrate that as far as you're concerned it's a minor issue that has now been resolved.


If he sulks and perseveres in trying to create a bit of an atmosphere at work just ignore it - unless it goes on for days on end, in which case you'll need to have further words with him. It's not your problem if his boundaries in the workplace are a bit hazy, as long as you've clarified your expectations of his behaviour around you.

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It's also harassment if you warn him and he refuses to stop.


Blockbuster has enough problems (bankruptcy filing) without worrying about employee conduct.

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Just tell him off, your meant to be a manager. Its unwanted, therefore its harrasment.


Oh, and dont wait until next time he does it, call him into your office first thing, and tell him straight up.


If the other employees see you as a prude or something, you might have to call a general meeting and remind them all of the harrasment guidelines.

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Just tell him off, your meant to be a manager. Its unwanted, therefore its harrasment.


I'm not so sure. She never came out and said it was unwanted.

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