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Why do guys tickle?


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She never came out and said it was unwanted.


That's what I'm wondering about, but she never came back to explain.


There's gonna be one large ticklefest at some Canadian Blockbuster tonight.

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I agree completely with everyone who posted that he is trying to jump the touchy barrier here. He obviuosly likes you. Men tickle to flirt with you. My ex does it all the time. There are also several times I will be standing somewhere and he will walk by and poke me on his way past. Just an excuse to touch me.


Have a talk with the guy and let him know that his behavior has no place at work. Regardless if you like it or not, it is unprofessional.


By the way I could NEVER imagine tickling my boss and I don't think he'd be too pleased.:o

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There are also several times I will be standing somewhere and he will walk by and poke me on his way past. Just an excuse to touch me.
Its also a way to let you know we are thinking about you.
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:) He hits me too. Not hard but we play fight. I busted him in the knee the other day and he punched me in the arm. I will never understand men lol.
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Yes, this tickling is definitely unwanted. I'm going to tell him next time I work with him which is Sunday. It's funny that you guys say that guys will just touch you subtely to show interest because I was with a guy last night who is very nervous when it comes to making the first move and so when we were sitting on his couch he just started poking me saying "wanna fight?" lol....so then of course we started touching/tickling......kissing....haha

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Yes this is flirting maybe he likes you is the feeling mutual !!! You are the manager maybe you should telling him this is inappropriate at work and if not careful people could think something is going on between you to and you might be looked at as messing with an employee !!! Good luck hope it all works out:)

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If you are interested in this guy, tell him you should hook OUTSIDE of work. He is using the relative safety of the workplace to hit on you, so take him out of that comfort zone and see what he is like.


If you do hook up, tell him plain and straight that any form of flirting, physical or mental touching is totally inappropriate when inside the workplace.


I have had a relationship with a girl I worked with, at work we only talked about work related stuff unless on breaks, it was really good cos that helped to stop the smothering effect you get being together 24/7.

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