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To Jenny: Removal of Thread


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To Jenny, ALF, burnt heart, et al:


Your post this morning, mostly assasinating the character of Laurynn, was totally uncalled for and a complete misuse of this forum. Such entries and subsequent combative exchanges do not belong on a love forum. The subject post and the ensuing thread has been deleted.


It's bad enough that many people here feel abused by your use of many aliases in placing your posts, but the use of this board for the sole purpose of direct and malicious personal attacks will not be tolerated.


If you are to continue to post here under historical circumstances, you must expect others to vent their frustration with you. To avoid this and the deletion of certain of your posts, you must be more forthright with our LoveShack forum family by not making malicious personal attacks, ceasing your multi-pseudonymous post strategy, and not repeating the same problems you have illustrated here for months.


Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. I think making these style changes will ensure you a more positive and productive experience on this forum.

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