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my boyfriend and i have been going out for 5 months, and in that time we've been inseperable. Now he is out of the country for a month visiting his family, and since neither of us can afford to call eachother that often, my paranoia has taken me over. i can't stop myself from imagining him being intimate with some beautiful girl and it's giving me an ulcer. the last time we spoke he said he was happy with me, but what if he meets someone that makes him happier and falls in love and.....obviously i have some insecurity issues; i was wondering if anyone had some words of wisdom to relax me.





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my boyfriend and i have been going out for 5 months, and in that time we've been inseperable. Now he is out of the country for a month visiting his family, and since neither of us can afford to call eachother that often, my paranoia has taken me over. i can't stop myself from imagining him being intimate with some beautiful girl and it's giving me an ulcer. the last time we spoke he said he was happy with me, but what if he meets someone that makes him happier and falls in love and.....obviously i have some insecurity issues; i was wondering if anyone had some words of wisdom to relax me. cheers vespertine



I know exactly what it is like to feel paranoid when you are far away from the one you love. The key here is trust. If things are truly as wonderful as they seem to be, and you both love each other, then there must be trust involved. Trust him- Give him the benefit of the doubt- If he is truly as wonderful as he seems, he deserves your trust- in a mental and emotional way. Nothing will entirely soothe your fears that he may be involved with someone while he's gone, but you need to constantly remind yourself of his love. All the little touches and words that he has said to you, that show how much he cares. Think about those actions/words night and day. And instead of worrying about him, think about how you will remain faithful, and how much you love him. If something is meant to last- If two people should be together- If there is true love involved- He will not let you down...And soon you'll have him in your arms again, beloved, faithful, and true.



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