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New town...New kinds of women.

Pretty much stuck.

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Pretty much stuck.

I just moved up to a small town from a decent sized city. I've been here for about six months and every woman that I talk to seems to either have a boyfriend or married. When I talk to them, we share good conversation, laugh and they seem to show an intrest in me. But when it comes to asking a woman out for a date. I get the same answer, "I'm sorry, I'm with somebody." Uhg...it's frustrating. I swear I've never heard that so many times in my entire life!! It can't be me, because I've never had a problem attracting women or getting a date before. But lately this has been like a bad Twilite Zone episode. I've gone about six months without even going on a date and I'm tired of it. Is there a difference between small town women and big city women that I don't know about and should keep in mind every time I talk to them? Or am I just pretty much stuck? I've made plenty of "women friends" so far. But they are all women that I've tried to hook up with, but are in committed relationships. Match.com doesn't work for me. I've tried that many times.

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1. "Is there a difference between small town women and big city women that I don't know about and should keep in mind every time I talk to them?"


Yes, keep in mind that most small town women either have a boyfriend or are married. But if you happen to be near one when their guy gets run over by one of them big trucks passing through town, grab her real quick and you gotcha a lady.


Females in small towns usually grab onto a guy at a fairly young age and they don't let go easily. People in small towns, as a rule, are slightly more settled and because the selection is so small, they aren't inclined to run from one guy to the other...especially since every guy is either going with a gal or married.


Most of the time, they know each other from infancy so by the time they are 13 or 14, they pretty much know who they want to hook up with.


2. "Or am I just pretty much stuck?"


I don't think many ladies you find on the Internet would want to move to a small town. However, you should visit nearby towns...go to church...attend carnivals...socialize. Put the word out that you want to meet somebody nice. Them widow ladies are awfully nice once they get done mourning.


If I were you, I'd move the hell out of there.

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