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My questions revised.

Mr. Elope

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Ok i messed up on the wording of my last questions so here is the new wordings. on the forth question it should say rings instead of rights, which i had before.


1. in america, how old do you have to be to buy a plane ticket by yourself? And you can pay in cash right?


2. Is there any other state besides hawaii that the people can get married younger than 18 without parental concent?Isnt the age for Vegas 16?


3. If you get married in a state such as hawaii is your marriage lisence valid in every other state?


4. Do you need wedding rings right away at the wedding or can you just buy them at a later




I know these questions may be odd but it would help out a lot if somebody answered them.

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See my answers to questions 1-3 in my post below. It has copies of the questions which you deleted and reprinted above.


4. "4. Do you need wedding rings right away at the wedding or can you just buy them at a later




Wow, big difference between wedding rings and wedding rights.


No, you don't need wedding rings but you will need to borrow something from someone to put on her finger. Take some cheap wire and make a circle and use that or use someone else's ring and give it back. Most chapels have rings you can use.


Lots of people use real cheap rings to get married and then buy very nice ones a year or two later when they're in better financial shape.


Actually, I know of one couple who drew rings on each other's fingers with a magic marker. Talk to whoever is performing the ceremony before you do that. Legally, rings are not required to be married...it's just part of tradition.


Once you are married, then you have wedding rights...which are actually called conjugal rights. That means that the two of you sort of have to make whoopee at reasonable times to satisfy each other. You'll find out about that later.

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I do not know you at all, but I do know that if you're asking these questions, YOU ARE NOWHERE NEAR READY TO GET MARRIED.


Until you are old enough and mature enough to figure out answers to questions like these on your own, then you are not ready to make one of the biggest decisions of your life.


One would not ask these types of questions unless they were thinking about doing it themselves. If you can't even figure out how to buy a plane ticket and whether rings are required, how are you ready for marriage?


Tell me...when you get married, how will you two handle your finances? Do you know how to open up a checking/savings account at the bank? Do you know the different types of accounts offered? Do you know the fees associated with them?


What if you need some money...to buy a car or a place to stay? Do you know how to get a loan? Do you know about all the different types of loans and which ones you'd be qualified for? And what about the place to stay? Do you know how to fill out applications and provide all the documents required?


Do you know how to buy a car? What about car insurance? Do you know how much it costs, for not only you, but your wife as well?


What about health insurance for you and your wife? Do you know the different plans and policies offered and how much they cost?


These are just A FEW of the added responsibilites that come along with growing up...getting married...and being an adult.

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hi mr elope,


can i just ask a question....is there any *specific* reason why there is the need to get married at 16-17 (apart from love)????? why the rush? is she pregnant? do you not believe in sex before marriage but are dying to have sex??


the only reason i ask this, is because 16-17 is an age where we seem to think we have it all worked out. we're so close to adulthood and really want to be accepted as people who are old enough to make their own decisions, but we're still SOOOOOO young, in so many ways. when i was 16, i thought i was in love and had it all worked out, yet i couldn't even decide what i wanted to be when i left school. heck, i couldn't even decide how to wear my hair to school.


marriage carries massive responsibilities that not even some 20-30 somethings can handle....financial responsibilities, parental responsibilities, domestic responsibilities...unless of course pregnancy is an issue and you don't want the child to be born out of wedlock, i can't in heaven's name begin to fathom why you want these responsibilities right now. do you have any idea on how much you will miss out? can you wait? purleeeeeze???? no offence, but you're not even sure if you can pay in cash for a ticket (which, you can) and you're not sure about wedding rings....how on earth can you be sure about marriage?????????


...oh my gosh, you haven't even lived a 5th of your life...


unless of course you are extremely mature for your age, are financially secure, are emotionally stable and have the support of family and friends, then there is nothing to stop you from getting married if you can find somewhere


trust me when i say that at 16 - especially when the other person is your first love - the idea of marriage sounds like something so great. i seriously thought i would marry my first boyfriend when i was 16. i was seriously deranged. i think i would be divorced or having an affair by now if i married so young.....seriously. and i thought the guy was the best thing since sliced bread AT THE TIME.


i know you don't want to hear it, but there is a very valid reason why 18 is the legal age to marry...because any younger is simply crazy. i don't even know you, but i would honestly hate to see you jump into the deep and end and slowly sink.


so, i hope you don't mind if i reiterate my first paragraph, but can you please let us know why you want to get married at this age, if you don't mind???


thanks :)


p.s. the rings are not necessary. they are only symbolic and not legally binding....i have no idea about u.s. law, as i am not a u.s. citizen.

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