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in love with a girl who doesnt love me

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theres girl, we met, and have tlaked for bout a month now. i've completely fallen for her. i mean writing poems/ songs/ and everything. when i told he ri had a "crush" on her she sed she just wnated to b friends "for a while". its been a month now and if confessed how much i like her and she continues with i just want to be friends. i told her id try just being friends but my personal side mite interfere. it has. tonite we were hanging out with some friends and i cudnt even look at her without thinking about not having her and getting teary eyed. i left the house and tried finding a new girl to get with. didnt work, im still nuts. help me@!!!

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You need to rewrite your Love algorithm to exclude initiating before mutual agreements are in place. What you got now is projection, and that aint good.

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She is probably uncomfortable having someone she doesn't have strong feeling for (let alone someone she isn't going out with) writing poems and letters to her. That is something a person does when they are in a relationship.


Get to know this girl first, take her out, have fun in groups, dont crowd her. But I fear it is already too late.

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