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He's Gone.......What Now?

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At first I didn't realize what was going on,or I didn't want to,I don't know which.I hadn't seen his Dad outside yet.As soon as I did and realized this was it,I had to go sit down.I became weak an I was shaking.I cried and just put my head down after him making a couple of trips to the van with his things.My head remained down until he was gone,I couldn't watch him walk out the door,it hurt too much.I was just numb all over,everything hurt,my vision even cloudy.Before leaving he told me to remember his cell doesn't work at his Dad's an I would have to call the house,otherwise call his phone.I said nothing an he was gone.

I am bound an determined to not let him see another tear fall from my eyes.To make it without him,unlike he thinks I can do.He said he knows he will miss me and has no doubt that he loves me.I guess,like before,he don't know if it is enough.He has also told me in the last few days,when asked,He is "probably"still in love with me.Blah,Blah,Blah!!


I will begin today with finding a Dr.to talk to an get my emotions and life in check.I can't give him or anyone all of me,when all of me does not exists right now.I thought he would go thru it with me......Not!.I'm not in the life he has planned for himself right now.


I know what I have to take care of today,but what about tommorrow,the next day, an the next?I am so lost without my sidekick:(


Thanx again for all of ur help,I need it right now more than any of U could imagine,


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Take time to grieve the loss. And follow through with seeking out a good (read: GOOD) counsellor. In time, with some effort on your part and support of the people around you, including those on this site, you will be ok.

all of me does not exists right now

Yes, it does very much exist. The pain you are feeling right now is proof of that.


I note that you haven't set up a PM function. You can create one through the My Profile / CP link near the top of the page. Feel free to create it so LS members can send you messages that would be better kept private, if you wish.

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He said he knows he will miss me and has no doubt that he loves me


Oh God...... that is just what I would want to hear as my mate is leaving:rolleyes: .

I think f@#k you would make me feel better than hearing that.It is horrible what you are going through but just seek out some help so you can deal with it right now.Better times are ahead but right now you must deal with all your pain and emotions it will not be easy take it one day at a time and try and go no contact or you will be in for a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs.good luck

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I know what I have to take care of today,but what about tommorrow,the next day, an the next?I am so lost without my sidekick:(


I am very sorry to hear this. Please accept my sympathies.


Do not look too far ahead right now. You need to focus on being better today. Tomorrow & the next day will come in time, but just take one day at a time.


We're all here for you. We're as close as your PC.

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In My Profile/CP,I don't have the option for PM,so I checked it out an got the above.


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I think you need a certain number of posts before you can send private messages.


Tricia, I'm so sorry for your current situation. But just remember, everything happens for a reason, and sometimes we need to create a reason for things that happen. You will come out of this a much stronger confident person. Trust in time, because it will heal your heart.

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You will absolutely begin feeling better. I know exactly how you feel, and didn't want to do anything for months. I stared out the window at work for 2 months straight. It's been about 4 months now and I still think about her every waking second. But it has gotten better - I focused on what my issues were, real or perceived, and how I could make myself a better person. All I know is it frickin hurts and it feels like there is nothing that will make the world right. And then you will find one minute that is good. And then another day and you make it to the shower before you start thinking about him. And the thoughts will still be there, but the pain won't be as severe. And then the thoughts will wane. It may take a while, but like i've said to myself before - if I hadn't met my ex, I'm sure I'd be with someone else who i thought was the cat's ass and it would last forever. I'm just taking the longer route to get there and with a few more lessons along the way.

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