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Will she cheat on me?

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Hey I posted before but i dont know what happened. Well the thing that I'm going out with my girlfriend for about a year and Im really in love with her. She is the kind of pwoplw that like to socialize and get as many friends as she can. There is this guy that has a huge crush on her and he even told her that he likes her. I know all that because my girl is the one that told me. The guy kept on trying to get her until she told him that shes with me and that she wouldnt leave me. Now the thing is that she became a friend of him and im really concerned because i know how the guy is and i think he will try to hit on her whenever he gets the chance.Im really scarerd and dont know what to do. The problem is that i dont like her being his friend because it gives him a better chance and i dont want to lose my girl. If i were her i wouldnt be his friend because i wouldnt want my relationship to be threatened. Im I just paranoid? She knows im concerned about him perhaps i shouldnt have shown it. The thing is that i keep on think about that because im already going to college and she goes to high school so i dont know what she is doing or if im at risk. what should I do??. she told me that he didnt say anything about the topic since she told her what she told her....but im not confident about it, maybe she is just hiding it from me so i dont get even more jealous. Please tell me i should do or think I dont want to be stressed out anymore

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Well, firstly your girlfriend was honest about it and told you that this guy liked her. That is the first positive thing about this. If she was really going to do something or cheat on you, then really she wouldn't tell you details.

I fully understand why you're jealous in this situation, but from what you've said, the signs don't seem to be pointing to her cheating.

You must try not to imagine scenarios, this is very destructive. I know what you feel because I'm the same, my boyfriend has a lot of female friends and obviously people are probably attracted to him, and I have a real problem knowing this. But I trust him.

You have to recognise that the problem is the jealousy at this point, and that's your problem and not hers. Of course, if she has ever given you reason to be jealous or ever cheated or behaved out of order, then that's different and I would not be saying all this.

But don't go creating situations - this is a sure way to make them think you're suspicious and distrustful, and that's when the real problems start.

Good luck on this - I fully understand how you feel. I can only suggest that you explain once, calmly, how you feel (without suggesting anything has happened), and then decide not to keep mentioning it/him...

Let us know how you go!

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Let her understand how it bothers you and leave the decision up to her on how much she values this new friendship. My girlfriend has way more guy friends then girlfriends and it bugs me but it seemed to help my relationship when i just voiced my concerns about things without asuming something has happend or will happen. If she loves you or cares about you she will take how you feel into consideration and it should make you feel a lot better. If this doesnt help its always nice to be tight with russians because they stick together and are hardcore. Im sure any russian group that is tight with you or any group of hardasses will do you the favor of eliminating this guy if you are a nice guy and make the group of people feel like they are the ****. Worse comes to worse confront this guy and let him know you wont tolerate him making advances on your woman and dont back down, although this will most likely majorly piss of your girlfriend. But at the same time it might make her feel safe and more confident in you. GOOD LUCK

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No one can know the answer to this.


Yep. But listen, if a girlfriend of mine knew a guy had the hots for her and still befriended him, I would call foul on that BS. She needs to cut off ties with said stud-in-waiting. No excuses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey dude, I was in the same situation...I got pissed of one day, saw him walking next to my girl trying to hold hands, but she didnt let him.

I beat the living **** outta him. You shoud do the same. Trust me, you'll feel much better.

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