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anger problem, HELP!!!

pissed off and confused

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pissed off and confused

me and my boyfriend for almost 2 years just resently broke up. i was all upset and wrote him a long email about how i was feeling and how getting over him was hard cause he's such a good guy... then, his best friends girl friend told me that he was talking about how he wanted to go and ##### chicks at parties and he's been like this for about a month. i dont think he did that yet... but him and his friends went 'babe watching' and all this other dumb stuff. and it pisses me off because i have really low self esteem and dont trust men very much at all and he used to promise me he wasnt like that at all and he is. and i hate him, i've writen him angre letters. and i dont know why this has crushed me so hard. and i need a way to get over it. i dont really have a lot of friends of my own because i hung out with him mostly and i think that has made it hard on me because i still thought of him as my bestfriend. but he's just and idiot... i dont know what i'm asking for, just some advice or support or bashing i dont care...

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Why are you wanting to make yourself feel so bad? Forget this guy. It's over. Don't ask about him and don't receive information about him. Move forward with your life.


Do things with friends, be kind to yourself, take the time to heal from this relationship. Billions of people have gone through what you're going through now and it's not fun...but you make things a whole lot worse by communicating with your ex and by listening to information about what he's doing now. That's rather childish as well.


Live YOUR life, not his. You need to make new friends, get into new circles of people. When you're ready, you'll meet somebody nice for yourself. But don't rush it.


If he's planning on some babe watching, why don't you go out and do some dude watching?

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