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We've met BEFORE?!?!?!?!


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Well, unfortunately the answer is it depends. Mostly, it depends on the context - the overall tone of his email and other things he said along with it.


Just by itself, it's a pretty vague statement, and could mean anything. He could be truly flattered that you pursued him. Or he could be trying to be polite but not encourage you.


Perhaps if you supplied us with some more information...

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Actually, I wouldn't keep it too vague lest he start thinking 'awk - stalker'! Just say you had kept his card and recalled it was him. He should be flattered you kept his card so revealing that won't dampen his enthusiasm, I'm sure.

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BUT... if I may - what does:


"I am flattered by your curiosity."


mean in guyspeak?



It means, "I'm flattered by your curiosity."


Ha ha ha. So ask him to meet you for dinner or a drink already. Just the two of you, of course.

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Geee, thanks, Milo...


I went flirty, by the way - and vague.. and now I'm second guessing that..


I told him that the truth was boring - because the truth is.. but that I have my ways..


And then told him, if he really wanted to know, I would tell him... but that it wasn't a super secret spy girl kind of thing...


His email address is on the list of Precinct Chairs and I happened upon it while looking up some other information... like my former Precinct Chair's information - and who to target for another organization... - see boring... and kind of embarassing when you consider that this is what I did on Saturday night... (work on the new organization...)

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I've always enjoyed the company of women who keep me in suspense. And on the flip side, I head for the hills when they unload their baggage on me. Mystery is always a turn on. Knowing when to shut up (it applies for both the men and the women) is often underrated.


Keep the mystery. Always ask open-ended questions so you don't get stuck. When the topic gets stale, bring up a fresh one to tease him. But teasing should be done in the right way, otherwise you'll look like a creep. And, always use humor. And don't appear desperate :)

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Actually, while some people enjoy 'mystery', others find it annoying and dislike it intensely because it smells of game-playing. You need to figure out what sort of guy he is or you could put him off entirely by playing the 'mystery' game.

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For those that are following the saga of my life...


We are now moving into dangerous territory....


For nonconfusion purposes this is the list of emails:


#1 - my original

#2 - his first reply

#3 - my first reply

#4 - his second reply

#5 - my second reply


Yes, kids - there have been that many emails... I know - it shocks me as well.. :o)


Okay - so email number 3 was very difficult for me to write - I got some advice from you guys - even though that varied... (Outcast, Milo, EB, etc...)


And while, I agree Outcast - it is true you don't want to appear to be playing a game... apparently, there's something to be said for the enticement of mystery..


Email #4 - his second reply hit me like a ton of bricks... I didn't expect it - seriously.. I was really afraid that email #3 would have him running for the hills..


Email number 4 - ahh screw it - it's not that bad to post here:


"I know I have signed up at least twice for the YD email list, but I have never received an email.


I did not realize that my question would evoke such a response....I can live with your "I have my ways" answer.


Do the YD's have anything coming up? What do you do for a living?"


This entered dangerous territory - because the focus is now on me - and I tend to write a lot.... I write well and easily - so, I tend to overshare.


My initial response to this was too long... I spent half the day trying to figure out what to cut and where...


It was still a little long - but I accomplished my goal - and that was the YD information was the longest part of the email - the part about me was extremely short...


So - I now find myself wondering how long this email thing would last..


Two replies - in a row...


That's never happened to me before.


Wow. :o)


Surely there won't be a third...

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Why do you underrate yourself so?


You seem to be expecting the worst so you won't be disappointed. Have you ever heard of a man enjoying the verbal banterings of a women? Guys like to talk to women and find out personal information.

I would still keep some mystery so he is intrigued. Don't go spilling your life from birth to present. Just tell him enough and make him want more. It is called teasing and flirting. ;)

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Because - it has been my experience that just as I get to the point where I believe possibly there is some interest on the other side - something happens.


In this case - I haven't heard back from him - since typing up what the YDs were doing... and including a very brief section in answer to his question about what I do for a living.


Now - I'm not supposed to know this - but I know that he didn't pass the Bar. And that he will retake it, probably in February (the next time it's offered.)


And I know it's the holiday season. But two emails came really quickly - and now - nothing...


It just feels like, probably, most likely, he forgot about me...


And again - I'm not trying to take it personally... and when I find myself wondering if he did forget about me - I force myself to realize that this guy remembered me - and I didn't him... So.. that's got to count for something...


His blog hasn't been kept up to date, either - which is an encouraging sign in a way... very, very busy, I guess.

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and what did the third email say....just for tose paying attention :p


can't keep up in suspense like that.

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His email said:


Sorry it has taken so long to write....I had a busy weekend and use my Mondays to catch up on email. I have graduated law school and will take the BAR exam in February. I have been working with the DA's office for a while, and will continue to do so at least until May.


You can add me to you list with ____________ (you think I'm gonna post his email address on here... uhm... no)


How was your weekend?

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nice touch. like the "been busy,but sorry to take so long" ...it's only been a few days.. means he was thinking of when to reply.


sounds to me like he wants more ..."how was your weekend?"...talking about fishing for personal infromation... before you know it will be "what are you doing on the weeekend ?" ;)


will you reply? keep it flirty, I reckon you've certainly piquet his interest to say at least :)

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Already replied... the email was sent this a.m. - I replied late this afternoon... after careful deliberation... :


No worries on the delay... Will get you added to the email list later this afternoon - and you should get the newsletter, either Tuesday or Wednesday.


Good luck on the BAR. I understand Texas has a particularly difficult one to take. I actually thought about law school - twice actually. But my strengths lend themselves to better talents, and I don't think I could refrain from arguing in court when it wasn't my turn to speak.


My weekend was rather quiet, ironically enough. Sort of a calm before the storm, I guess you'd say. (I am about to take on a new role with a club that's sort of reforming, that I'm both excited and petrified about.) Though, I did get to see the new Harry Potter movie and "Good Night and Good Luck," I was sort of under the weather and unable to blockwalk on Saturday.


So, why was your weekend so busy? Hope you were at least able to have some fun?

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wow, amazing! see, never give up, i think he's definately interested... i mean, he remembered you in the first place, and he was the one to approach you, right? so there's definately potential, and you see to be handling this really well... good luck!

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archbean -


I wish I could be as positive as you are about this situation....


I just keep looking for the other shoe to drop...


He didn't honestly so much approach me - he came over and talked to Rick - I took advantage of the opportunity to stand next to Rick...


Sorry - my friend, Tara - is trying to convince me that by telling me he checks emails on Mondays, he's letting me know - that's when he'll get back to me...


But I think he just wrote that to explain himself - the ulterior motive is nothing...

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