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To Jack: the horse-buying EX b/f.......

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Jack I just read your recent responses in the thread further down the board...particularly the one (link below) where you said you think you're making 'progress'..cuz today you went out and bought your EX a horse. WTF? That blows my mind. What's even more mindblowing is the fact that you discussed how her NEW BOYFRIEND was going to react when she tells him that you two will be riding (horses, thought I better clarify that) on the weekends/that you bought her a horse. Are you out of your mind? I loved Owl's response to you. I agree with her..I'm starting to seriously doubt the validity of your posts here. They are becoming more and more bizarre and unbelievable by the day. Your ex dumps you, she starts going out with another guy, you are dating someone yourself, but you buy her a freaking horse? What the hell is wrong with you? You think you MADE PROGRESS? Hon, progress would be if she ended things with her NEW boyfriend and wanted to get back together with you.


You haven't made progress....you just got taken for the price of a thoroughbred (or whatever it is). Seeing how you got money to blow, I could use a new car. *shaking head*


Jack's Absurd Post



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When I was younger and I wanted to impress a chick, hell...I'd buy her a horse or a whole stable of them. I bought one girl a dozen Clydesdales from the Bud people.


If I really thought a lot of her, I'd get her a nice beach house along the ocean in Maine or a luxury condo in Atlantic City or Miami. Nothing was ever too good for them. You must be living in the dark ages because even buying a Boeing 747 for a chick is nothing if the guy really likes her and you can fix those up inside really nice.


If a guy likes a girl a whole lot, there is just nothing too good for her in my book. I apply for credit cards almost every day so I'll have enough credit lines to get a lady whatever she wants.


Buying a horse for a girlfriend you're trying to suck up to is such a petty small thing compared to a beachfront home or a jumbo jet. I just don't understand why you'd have a problem with that.


I would think you'd have a lot of admiration for a guy who would be willing to shell out whatever is necessary to buy...uh, I mean win, the heart of his lady.


Oh, yes, and just what kind of car would you like me to have delivered to you?

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I loved Owl's response to you. I agree with her.


Gahh! Arghh! I'm a guy! I should have made that clear in my post, I'm now thinking. Sheesh. I'm going to change my nickname to Big Owl the Manly Man from now on to avoid confusion, and restrict my responses to questions concerning beer and power tools. :p

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