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17 Years Later....


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My ex and I were high school sweethearts. We were engaged before he went off to the military. After 3 years together, we decided that we should see other people - take some time to grow up. His "friend" got pregnant and he married her after much discussion with me. I also married a month later and had 2 children. We had no contact over the last 17 years. I looked him up on the internet and called him. We are both divorced and not dating anyone. We've been on the phone for hours every night since that first phone call. We live 1000 miles apart, but realized that we'd never fully committed to any other relationships because of our feelings for each other. We were both going through the motions. That's not to say we didn't love our spouses, but it wasn't the "open" kind of love that you'd expect in a marriage. He says he always has loved me and his feelings will never wane. I love him the same. I want us to "go for it" all or nothing. He has some issues that he is trying to resolve so he is confused about what he wants from me. All he'll commit to right now is that he never wants to lose me again and that he wants me in his life. He's just not sure in what capacity. His fantasy is for us to be on the beach together at the age of 60 "gumming it" together.


Here is the problem: he wants us to meet and spend some time together. I am almost certain that it will get physical. While that sounds like a dream come true, I am scared to death. I don't know if I can be with him and not want him forever - I've wanted him for the last 17 years. I told him that I don't know how not to love him. He still wants us to meet. Should I chance it or run away?

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I'm curious, how did it feel it longing for someone that amount of time? I'm in a similar situation, been going for 7 years. Looks like my marriage is breaking up because of it. In order for me to be with my ex again, I'd have to move, start my career over, and chance everything. Is it worth it? Would you do it?

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