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boyfriend gives too much details

angel eyes

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My guy seems to like giving details of where he goes and what are we going to do. he doesn't give out sexual details about us but if someone ask him what are we doing tonight,he would give them details step by step of what are we going to do.


I would prefer if he would just don't give out a detailed description of our plans. I don't want to sound like i want to change the way he is is just that i don't find it necessary that he gives people too much details. It upset me yesterday but i didn't know how to bring the subject at that moment. Should i wait until next time or shoul i comment on it as soon as possible.


Do i have a valid reason or am i just overreacting?

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You need to explain to him in a kind way that you value your privacy. Let him know that if he wants to distribute a newsletter each day about his activities, that's fine. But let him know that you want all details that relate to you and his relationship with you to be omitted...other than that he is happy to be with you.


There are certain things better left private in life. You have a real problem if he gives other people blow by blow descriptions of what he's planning to do with you on your dates. That's personal and should be ONLY between you and him. Let him know that's the way it's got to be.

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Tony is right....you have a right to your privacy and if this is making you feel uncomfortable, let him know!! it's likely that he doesn't even have a clue that this is upsetting you, therefore he will continue to do this if you don't make him aware of the situation. he ain't a mindreader....be upfront and let him know there are some things you want to keep between yourselves. don't hold it off any longer, the problem won't go away if you ignore it!!! i don't suggest bringing it up in front of other people, talk to him about it when you are both alone. i'm sure he will understand and learn what is appropriate to say to others and what is not.

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