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I've had these tan lines for 4 months!!

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The last time I wore a bikini was in August and I can still clearly see the tan lines. It's really bothering me, I hate tan lines. I know it should fade over time, but don't you think 4 months is a little long?

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You need to fill in the gaps. Wear a boob tube (or nothing) and have an hour or two in your backyard.

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NOOOO!!!!! Don't sunbathe topless! I did it a few times and ended up with basal cell carcinoma - go figure! I literally baked the rest of my body for YEARS and so far that's ok. I drop my top a few times and BAM.


I'll never do that again!

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I gave up tanning with the sun/tanning bed a year ago. I've used about every tanning spray or lotion they've made. The only one I'm happy with is "Toni Brattin Tan Secret Tanning Butter". Just google it..you'll find it. Use this to even out your tan. :laugh: It's not too expensive either. Read the reviews to find out exactly how to use the product.


I am actually tanning right now!! :o

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Well if i try to fill in the gaps, wont the other areas get even darker? I dont know, but since curiousnycgirl got basal cell carcinoma (that doesnt sound good...) im not going to doing that. Not that i can, its december and the suns not out long enough. Anyways, i dont like getting tans, they take forever to fade.

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That's strange how some tans stay a long time while others fade quickly.


I got a deep tan and sunburn 2 summers ago. My stomach area is still very dark from it while the rest of my body is not. When I wear a stomach bearing top I oftentimes get asked where I had gone to get that tan.


I now know better than to tan under the ozone depleted sky by the sun and hope it won't cause cancer down the road. I'm in the minority as far as liking tan lines though and if I were you wouldn't bother covering them up with any of the self tanning lotions.

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I got a deep tan and sunburn 2 summers ago

two years? i hope mine dont last that long. i guess i'll just use lots of sunscreen during the summer then

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lol Jasmine, don't worry, it's Winter time now!! Anyway, I had tan lines before that lasted for about a year! :confused: I couldn't believe it, but I didn't pay too much attention to it, and at some point it was just gone. What I did was not tan for almost 2 years straight. My skin went back to an even white color after about a year I think.

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