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Online flirting? Too soon to be jealous?

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Hey guys, I'm feeling kind of hurt and need your thoughts and opinions.


I met a guy. I have been dating him for about a month and a half. He originally messaged me on myspace and we talked for about two weeks, and then decided to meet. We hit it off and we are still hitting it off. We had sex on the second date, and I can tell that it makes us closer and more comfortablwe with each other, not to mention feels amazing. Okay well he has a girl on his myspace list that he talks to frequently. I can tell because she leaves him messages on his myspace comment area about "geting on msn" and such. Okay, that part is fine. I talk to guys too. They are my friends. Well one day I saw that the girl left hearts on her message, and I asked if he fancied this girl just as he fancied me (making sure to say that if he did, I completely understood, because we have not been dating for long). He said that no, they are just friends (the girl lives across the country, if that matters), and he does not have any "romantic interest in anyone else but" me. Okay, so I was relieved. We have been on several more dates and still having a blast together. Well, today I see that she leaves another heart for him. I felt really bad for doing this, but I went to her page, and I looked at her blog. She only talks to him in her blog. They are all directed toward him. She casually mentioned that she was leaving to go take a bath. I can tell that she has a crush on him, or likes him even. He responded to that blog with a commet, and then at the end he said "don't tease me with your nekkedness. it's not nice". He says other cutesy things to her, but nothing that hit me like that did.


Am I being petty for being hurt by this? We are having sex, and it hurts to know that he is thinking of this girl in a sexual way, and TELLING her about it casually, and that she probably likes it. I havent brought it up to him, and I will not, just because I like to not let it known that I am jealous. Plus... I feel extremely invasive. I mean, she didn't set her blog to "private", so anyone can read, but I am thinking I shouldn't have, and I am embarrassed. But then again, I see what he is saying to this girl, and it indeed hurt my feelings. Please tell me if I'm being weird or if I am overreacting. Did I deserve this hurt for looking at her blog in the first place? He has made it known in his profile that he has "found the girl" that he wants to meet (meaning me), and he says he talks to her about me and that she talks about other guys to him. I somewhat feel better after typing this. If I am being petty please do not hold back in telling me so. But I hope that my hurt feelings are not completely unreasonable. I really hate that this stuff bothers me. I wish I could be immune to love or liking guys, heh. Thank you for reading. Any help is much apreciated. Sorry so long :X

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