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Jealous Girlfriend

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Hi everyone,


I'm in a succesful relationship if it wasn't for one thing. I'm 19 and my girlfriend, who i've been seeing for nearly 4 months now, is 16. Everything has been going well we are deeply in love and spend almost all our spare time together. However, there is one thing that still upsets us both, she is a really jealous person. When we go out she wont feel secure unless she is the best dressed around so that all my attention is on her. Or the other night she wouldn't watch the opening few scenes of the movie Harvard Man (dont know if anyone has seen it because i havent!) because it envolves a sex scene with Sarah Michelle Gellar who she considers to be more beautiful than herself. I'm not even allowed to watch Hollyoaks with her because she would get jealous of me seeing the pretty actresses in it! I love her dearly and am constantly reassuring her that she is the only one for me but she says she cant help it its just how she is. I dont think i can manage to avoid all these things and honestly dont think i should need to. I thought it would get better with time but it doesn't seem to be improving, despite the fact that she says she does trust me and beleives me when i say she is the only one. I'm stck in a rut and need help because i dont know what to do. Any ideas?

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I've been in relationships with people younger than me, it never seemed to work out. Different maturity levels. Not really much you can do about it, I say be blunt cut straight to the point. Thats the best thing to do in any relationship, be honest.


If she cares about you, she'll understand and work with you on it. But your probably going to have to put up with it, or let her go for somebody else.

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am constantly reassuring her that she is the only one for me but she says she cant help it its just how she is.
The constant reassurance is probably doing more harm than good. She's feeding off it because it gets her what she wants: approbation and an ego boost. You've already made your feelings clear about this, so she either gets it or she doesn't. The continual reassurance hasn't worked in the past, so don't expect it to work in the future either. This is not about you at all, it's about her.

I dont think i can manage to avoid all these things and honestly dont think i should need to.
No, you shouldn't avoid these things. Again, this isn't about you, it's about her, and the quicker you both realize that, the better off you and your relationship will be.
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hey dood, i wouldn't worry about it too much, just try to block it out really and don't react to much to what she's saying,its not helping her.


anywho, your young man and only she's 16.... god i was just obsessed with skateboarding at that age :laugh: and really didin't know what i was doing...


if its really doesn't stop after you try to ignore her (or should i say react less to her on the subject) then jump ship mate.

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