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Is it me? or is it him?

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Okay so we all know that when you get involved with someone they have had a past...heck we all have a past. I've just led a very monogomous sheltered life. I've been with 5 people in my life and I'm in my 30s. I'm with a wonderful man inhis late 20s who has been with 5 times as many people as I have. But he is wonderful...so incredible. I've never ever felt from anyone what I feel from him or for anyone what I already feel for him after being with him for six months.




Most of his friends are females and a lot of his ex's are friends.


I'm going krazy over the fact that ex lovers call repeatedly on weekend nights that we spend together. Those he promises me are just friends. Then there is the one that's not over him that sends him emails decorated with hearts and filled with I love yous - which he opens and discards in front of me and reassures me that I have ,"nothing to worry about". Now last night an dear friend of his (since they were 14) called to say that her fiance had dumped her...she was "distraught" and "in a car somewhere on the side of the road" and he was ready to rush out to be, "someone to cry on".


I'm scared...I admit it. My heart is his already and he assures me that I have nothing to worry about. That he is a one woman man. That he would never f*ck up a good thing and that I'm a good thing. But when every time I drive away from being with him...my mind wonders if he's picking up the telephone to return calls and what's with these girls telling him "I still love you & I miss you" and now c'mon why call HIM when you dumped by your fiance.


Should I be grateful that he must be such a great catch that women wish to keep him in his life? Should I be grateful that he is a man that women see a dear friend in? That he can be counted on at a moments notice to help out?




Should I remain vigilant...and concerned...and yes jealous?

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