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Can you really be "friends" with an ex?

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In Tiredofit's post her b/f has a lot of female friends some of which are ex's? Is it possible to be friends with an ex? Is it on the shoulders of the current to 'get over it and trust'? Is it fair or just to have a guy lose his female friends because the girl who has his heart doesn't feel secure or is that her problem?

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It is definitely possible to be just friends with an ex as long as both parties are truly past the relationship. I know a lot of people, including some close friends and my sister, who are in relationships where they try to say who their significant other can be friends with or they are told they can't be friends with certain people. They never work out in the long run. Sometimes they last for a long time - but they inevitably end. I am best friends with my ex-fiance and have become close friends with his fiance and he is good friends with my fiance (hope that made sense). My sister and some friends say they just don't understand how we can all be ok with that. They are also the same people that wish they had a relationship like Ron and I do.


There has to be trust for a relationship to work. Mild jealous thoughts on occasion are natural. That's part of life and being human. But you should not be concerned that you will be cheated on. And just because you are in a relationship or even married to someone doesn't mean that they can't have close friends. Male or female.


On the other hand, if the person knows that hanging around this ex is hard on your insecurities they should be sensitive to that. Not saying they should have to cut people out of their lives, but they should try to assure you of the friendship and only friendship. Maybe offer to have them get to know each other. There should be some sort of compromise made.

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