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Is a glass of wine after work at 4pm alchoholic?

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You might be onto something Hot Coco! :)


I had a “craving” for a sip of wine when I cam home, but instead I had a fizzy juice soda (which I rarely do as they are so full of sugar) and it instantly saitisfied that craving! Does this mean I am diabetic or something? Also, am I really craving the wine for the sugar in it? Is there really that much sugar in wine?


Cheers :)

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It could just be that you have a blood sugar low or that you're sensitive to blood sugar drops. Lots of people are without being diabetic.


If you are gaining or losing weight without changing your eating habits, drinking much more liquid than you used to, and urinating lots more than usual, then it's time to get checked for diabetes.


Maybe you need a mid-afternoon snack at work to keep your blood sugar level. The other thing that can sap energy is dehydration - it's possible that you're lacking fluid of any sort.

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Glad that worked but I was touting protein not sugar to take those shakes away. But whatever works for you is great! Yes, on the sugar/alcohol. Art explained it better than I can. Read his post on that again. Alcohol converts into sugar in the body. That's why i thought you might have a low blood sugar problem. If the alcohol was taking the shakes away, it pointed to a low blood sugar problem to me BUT protein is WAY more efficient for stopping those shakes.


The sugary drink will just raise your blood sugar for so long and then it will crash again if you don't eat something like a protein.


I don't know about being a diabetic. You should have that checked I guess. It just sounds like you have my problem.

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Having low blood sugar can lead to diabetes ironically enough either your body is producing too much insulin or not enough or cannot use the insulin properly.

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Having low blood sugar can lead to diabetes ironically enough either your body is producing too much insulin or not enough or cannot use the insulin properly.


Yes but being susceptible to blood sugar lows doesn't necessarily mean one is diabetic. And everybody's blood sugar has highs and lows throughout the day.

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Geez, I hate to ger personal here...


but I do drink a lot (of water) and thus, pee a lot, but I always have. I was checked for diabetes before (I had to fast, give blood, wait an hour, give blood, drink a horrible glass of pure sugar water, wait an hour give blood, etc.) and they said I wasn't diabetic then (2 years ago) and nothing seems to have really changed (I still drink a lot of water...and pee alot :)


Am I just a normal low-blood sugar in the afternoon type?


Cheers :)


ps. and I will try the yogurt next time, as I don't like just drinking 'sugar-water' soda, even though I can't stand yogurt without any sugar, it is till healthier even with a little in it :)

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Am I just a normal low-blood sugar in the afternoon type?


Probably. Sounds like you were thoroughly tested and nothing's really different. So experiment. Maybe cheese and crackers will help or maybe yogourt or maybe a bit of fruit and cheese. Maybe just eating or drinking anything helps to take the edge off because it distracts you.

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You are not alone! And I think it is quite ok to have a glass of wine after work. Though injecting yourself with heroin etc. might be a bit off the line. I just came home from work three hours ago. At first I had a glass of wine. Then I had some half a gram of nice cocaine and a cigarret. Now I'm feeling just great and thinking of going to bed and sleeping for a long time... Well, maybe I'll just have a one more good nights hit... A big one... 8)


In a weird way, Isn't life just great..?

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