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Should I risk it?

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Hey there, I've discussed this problem with a friend of mine and their sure I should go for it, but I kind of want to get outsiders opinions on it too, hence why I'm posting here :).


I've know this male friend of mine for roughly a year, although it's only really been in the past 7, 8 months we've become close friends. Not long after we first met, we ended up having sex and we avoided each other for a bit, but managed to sort things out. We're great friends now.


Just recently however, I've developed feelings for him and I'm scared to tell him incase he doesn't feel the same way about me and I loose his friendship because of it. My friend asked me had he gave me any signs that he liked me and I said I wasn't too sure, but gave him a few things I thought were possible signs;


-We hug a lot.

-Can tell each other anything.

-He has no problem giving up his bed for me if I ever need a place to crash.

-He always stands up for me.

-He's just super nice to me in general.

-He was completely there for me when mylast relationship fell apart; he was and still is my rock.

-Referes to me affectionately, calls me sweetheart, baby and pet all the time. He does this with a few other female friends but not as often as he seems to with me.

-A few times we've kinda held hands (like when I'm leaving his to go home, on a few occassions he's held my hand for a bit, gave it a squeeze and said goodbye).

-He touches my arm a lot when we talk.


And just this weekend past when we were in the bar, he described his perfect woman to me. He said brunette, blue eyes and short and I'm all these things, but, me being the skeptical me, is saying it's coincidental, but my mate thinks I need a good slap around the face as he deems I've missed an obvious sign. I'd really like to tell this guy how I feel. I think I could handle it if we just were friends with benefits.


Any help would be appreciated!

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