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my ex boyfriend still has feelings for me i can see from the way he looks at me and touches but what i don't get is when he's touching me is he really into touching me or he's just flirting?

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hi there,


if you broke it off with him, there's every chance he could still have feelings for you still. maybe he's having a hard time letting go.


if he broke it off with you, then that's where it can be a bit more confusing. perhaps you should just casually mention that his body language is a bit hard to understand and if he doesn't still hold a flame for you, then tell him to stop giving you mixed signals.


is your boyfriend a touchy-feely person period? if so, this could be a natural way of acting around someone he knows really well.


if his touchy-feeliness is bothering you, don't hesitate in letting him know. no one should have to feel uncomfortable or intimidated by another person's actions.



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he broke up with me because he said he wants to be a player and he doesn't want to hurt me.i appreciate him telling me cos not a lot of guys would do that.help me out here.i've been knowing my ex my whole life and his mum is my mum's bestfriend and he used to be my bestfriend too till we broke up.he comes to my house almost everyday and i hang out with he and his brothers all the time.miss mojo,why doesn't he wants me to get a new boyfriend?he said if he sees' me with this one guy he will get his boys to beat him up.is there a chance of us getting back together?

hi there, if you broke it off with him, there's every chance he could still have feelings for you still. maybe he's having a hard time letting go. if he broke it off with you, then that's where it can be a bit more confusing. perhaps you should just casually mention that his body language is a bit hard to understand and if he doesn't still hold a flame for you, then tell him to stop giving you mixed signals. is your boyfriend a touchy-feely person period? if so, this could be a natural way of acting around someone he knows really well. if his touchy-feeliness is bothering you, don't hesitate in letting him know. no one should have to feel uncomfortable or intimidated by another person's actions. :)
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ever heard the old saying, "they don't want you but they don't want anyone else to have you either"?


when this guy said he wants to be a player, he sure is living up to his word...he's playing with your feelings. he has no right to do that. the words he should be living up to here is, "i don't want to hurt you". well, he is hurting you by these actions.


this guy has no right to talk to you about relationships. if he wanted you so badly, he would ask you to get back with him. he has no right to threaten potential romantic interests.


if you don't stop seeing less of this guy, you are really going to get hurt big time by him. he knows he has you where he wants you, and that's not as a girlfriend. if he respected you, he wouldn't lead you on like he is. he is being highly unfair to you.


if i were you, i'd start seeing less of this guy. you need to get on with your own life. you sound young, so don't let this ex of yours think he has the right to talk about YOU dating, when he wants to date who he pleases. he is a little hypocrite.


get out there and meet some new people, and have fun doing it....and don't tell him anything, because it's none of his business.


p.s. why would you want to get back with a guy like this? (hypothetical question....don't have to answer) :)

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hope you don't mind me throwing in my opinion.


this guy is being plain immature.....he wants to beat up any new guy who comes near you??? HELLO! he broke up with you, and in doing that, he no longer has a say in what you do or with whom. he told you loud and clear that he wanted to be a "player".....well, ten points to the little angel for being honest and not playing behind your back, but he doesn't reserve the right to go and interfere in your life after him. you need to stop seeing him so much, regardless of how good friends your mothers are. stop hanging out with him and his brothers and start on your life beyond him, go out with YOUR friends and see whoever the hell you like. he is still hanging on to you, yet he also wants to be single and available. his possessiveness is pathetic. the reason he doesn't want you to get a new boyfriend is because he wants to keep you dangling, waiting for him, and he is a control freak who wants the best of both worlds. it's none of his business what you do now!! you aren't a couple anymore, what you do no longer affects him. but don't worry why he doesn't want you to get a new boyfriend, it's not up to him, he doesn't have a say!!!!! it's YOUR life!!!


i would steer clear of him for a while. let him know you do NOT feel threatened by his childish remarks and you are now free to see whoever you want to see. and do you really want to get back with this guy anyway? he told you he wants to be a player, so leave him be and let him go play until his sorry little heart is content. forget him. and tell him to get his greasy paws off you in the meantime.


good luck!!

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I agree 100% with Miss Mojo and chick.


Tell this guy to KISS YOUR BUTT, and then tell him to GET LOST!


Do not listen to this guy nor let this guy have any say in who you go out with. You can go ahead and date any guy you please!

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my ex boyfriend still has feelings for me i can see from the way he looks at me and touches but what i don't get is when he's touching me is he really into touching me or he's just flirting?

Hi Renill,


Okay, so he says he wants to be a player and he broke up with you, saying he doesn't want to hurt you. You think its great that he was honest about it, and I'll give him that too. But now he's playing with your mind. Toying with your emotions. All his touches mean is that he's teasing you. And maybe his hormones are flying a bit too and he can't resist touching you.


Telling you that he'll beat up a guy for going out with you is the same as warning you not to go out with other guys. Either he's trying to be your father, or he's trying to scare you. He says he doesn't want to hurt you. Then why is he trying to scare you? And why is he toying with your feelings. It sounds like what he said about not wanting to hurt you is just a flat out lie. Words are sometimes nice to hear, but they don't mean a thing if his actions aren't matching those words.

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