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Writing to an Ex

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one time, long ago, i dated a real hottie for a short short time, ok 3 months.

he was very into me until one day he stopped calling.

after a week went by and there were no calls i called him to find out what was going on hoping that he would give me the break up speech or whatever because lets face it , my telephone had not rang in a week.


i called and he did not break up with me and gave me some lame lines. i said if you dont want to see me anymore why dont you just tell me ? he again said it wasnt that.


flabbergasted as i hung up my phone, i went and got a shirt of his and stuffed it in a box and wrote a short note and shipped it to him and sent it ceritified mail so i knew he would open it and read the note.


the note read:

didnt figure you were man enough to ask for your shirt back since you didnt have the cojones to tell a lady when its over.

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the note read:

didnt figure you were man enough to ask for your shirt back since you didnt have the cojones to tell a lady when its over.


Concise and to the point. Beautiful! :laugh:

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my ex dropped me a christmas card the year after we broke up. i shredded it and sent it back. it was all about HER feelings of guilt, and this was to make her feel good, not me. i had made it clear that i didnt want contact from her until hell was a solid, which i dont think it is at the present time.


i guess she figures my anger management class isnt going very well.......ha no sense in contacting them again when its over...you cant stay friends with them, and its a complete waste of energy that can be utilized to sustain a good relationship.

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