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Confused on how to fix things

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Hi, my name is Jamie. I'm new to the fourm and thoughti would seek the help from the fourm. I am a mother of 3. My boyfriend (who i love very much) has decided to end our realtionship with good reason. I cheated on him with my ex-boyfriend. it was a one time thing and am i aoverwhelmed with guilt in realizing what i have now lost. I've tried talking to him about it but of course he is still pretty hurt. MI would offer to never see my ex again but we havea daughter together so thats not really an option. I'm just no sure waht to do. I don't want to be with someone else and he obvisly doesnt want to work it out. I dont know if i should wait to see if he comes around or if i should pick up the pieces to my heart adn salvige what i can. I know i messed up. just wanted to fix it. but i dont think there is anyway i can. Any advice?

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Well, if one of your friends was in the same situation as you, what advice would you give them? That's a good place to start.

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Don't know what ya got till it's gone.


sorry to be such an azz, but I have about no sympathy for you. learn is the only thing you do

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Actions beget consequences. Unfortunately, you choose an action whose consequence is that you lost the man you love. You can't do awful things to people and expect to be pardoned, I'm afraid.

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As a woman, it's only natural to want to "fix it..." Unfortunately, in the world of men, boys, and guys - that's not always possible.. in fact, it's hardly ever possible.


You can ask his forgiveness - tell him you want to prove that he can trust you - and then, never, ever cheat on him again.


But it is his choice, whether he wants to forgive and try again or not.


Most people will try or not... and most people can't get past being lied to and being cheated on...


But, I got to tell you - I agree with most of the postings - sometimes, you don't know what you have until it's gone..

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How did your bf find out?


I'm having to face similar challenges, being neglected by my new bf because he is "so busy" and my ex wanting sex on messenger, and I turned down my ex's request knowing I still have some feelings for him so it would be emotional cheating even if I didn't do anything.

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