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need suggestions FAST

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I've been going out with my boyfriend for only about three months, but we've gotten extrememly close in that time. Everything is perfect except for one thing: I can't show affection. There's no problem if he initiates it, but I can't just go up to him and hug him, or hold his hand, or or kiss him or anything. It's pathetic! And he's a really affectionate guy, and he's also pretty insecure, so this is really really bothering him. I've decided that I have to get over my shyness, but I need ideas! What kinds of things can I do to show him that I really do care for him alot? I want to make him feel REALLY REALLY good, and totally surprise him.

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Forget all the poop and just be yourself. Don't be fake. Talk to your guy and just tell him you are shy and it may take you a while to become more comfortable at expressions of affection.


Work with him to go just a little bit at a time. One week, just touch his hand everytime you see him. The next week, grab his arm each time. Go slowly. Discuss your strategy with him.


If he is too shallow that he cannot accept you just like you are and work with your shyness, he's NOT the guy for you.


Other than expressions of affection, there are many things you can do to show him you care. But only do these now and then...going overboard will be counterproductive. Take him to a movie, buy him a burger, get him some cologne, ask him on a walk in a park...make a picnic basket...there are all kinds of things you can do.


But if you're going to have to bust your butt to make this guy happy, forget it. He is responsible for his own happiness. You just be the nice person you are and if he doesn't like it, I can tell you there are millions of guys who will. A lot of men find shyness very sexy.


Over and out.

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Tony pretty much hit the nail right on the head.. don't go overboard. You would be surprised at how far a small gesture can go, how something like holding his hand or giving him a hug would make his time with you that much better. My girlfriend is exactly the same way, and a seemingly small act such as holding hands or a peck on the cheek can make me feel wonderful. Just keep it consistent.. and don't go overboard! There comes a time for everything.


Hope I can be of help

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Thanks so much, I took your advice to be myself, and not go overboard I've just been doing what I feel, and I've started to losen up and be more comfortable already, though it's still just going to take more practice. But it's lots of fun practicing!

Tony pretty much hit the nail right on the head.. don't go overboard. You would be surprised at how far a small gesture can go, how something like holding his hand or giving him a hug would make his time with you that much better. My girlfriend is exactly the same way, and a seemingly small act such as holding hands or a peck on the cheek can make me feel wonderful. Just keep it consistent.. and don't go overboard! There comes a time for everything. Hope I can be of help
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