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Am i jst a friend or more?

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I really jst need some advice...


i think im in love with 1 of my friends girl friend and i think she likes me but i really dont know. She texts me all the time, i give her lifts to work all the time, and she consults me when she has problems with my friend. So would you say i mean sumet to her or im i jst a friend... they have been going out for almost a year, iv been a gd friend with her for like 6 months but l8ly, weve met up (jst for food like a mcdonalds and so) but i really like her.


they split up once and she wanted to meet with me (her words were wanna goto pics some time) then they got back together so that was cancelled. and they been together a few months since.. I dont want to lose my friend but i cant sleep l8ly because of how i feel. I cant get her out of my head.


we goto cinema a lot in a group (about 5 of us), she is the only female, and she seems to hang around me more than she does my friend. it makes me think, and when we go out on piss, she leans up against me when were sat and he his elsewere (toilet etc)




any advise apriciated


thnx in advance

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My advice is that you talk to her. Be up front and ask her if she sees you only as a friend or more, that way you'll know how to treat her and will get peace of mind. It could be that she has noticed your interest and is playing games because she likes the attention. I don't see why she'd be with someone else if the one she likes is YOU. That's why I advise you to talk to her. If she does like you back then you both have decisions to make in regard to your friend/her bf. And well if she doesn't...then you can hopefully still be friends. Good luck!

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she seems to like you very much, shows classic signs.


your friend is going to be mad and say "what ever happened to bros before ho s "

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