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Geezus P Murphy. Why don't you get out of that house and do something with your life, instead of sitting there inside your unkept house, and dwelling on your physical health, your anxiety, your this, your that. Are you a certified hypochondriac? Do you thrive on chaos and turmoil and negativity? Do you ever have a day go by where you do something productive, you are thankful for what you DO have, where you're NOT bitching about SOMETHING?


How DO you come up with the many original names you use here. Do you sit there in your robe, curlers in your hair, and make up lists of interesting names? Do you then put them into a hat and draw from the hat? Does the name you use here depend on your mood? the position of the stars? the alignment of the planets?


Have you told your doctor about this constant need to use various names? That's something that should definitely be addressed, STAT!


What you need, "jennie", is Momma-Joe Barker's Remedy, also known as "get-yur-head-out-of-yer-ass-and-get-to-livin"......it even comes in a wide assortment of delectable flavors, to tempt your palate.


Poor Jennie, "woe is me" must be your life's motto.



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Do you think there is a point at which you could be reasonably comfortable with your life and have the ability to enjoy it more? It seems you have so many problems for one person you have to make up alter egos (aliases) to deal with them all.


Is there anything we can say or do to get you straightened out and moving on to a happy life? We have been sharing in your pathetic life with your many aliases for way too long.

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jennie/why did you delete my post?

i would really like to know cause i don't understand when i post a very serious feeling and hurtful post it is okay to be trampled all over? but not to defend myself? i spoke the truth, my truth and it gets deleted, i use my real name and it gets deleted yet someone else can speak their mind and it is "okay"? ....this is why i have to use aliases....don't you see that?


i will not ever respond to that loser laurynn again....her life is just pathetic.....and she takes it out on others...

Geezus P Murphy. Why don't you get out of that house and do something with your life, instead of sitting there inside your unkept house, and dwelling on your physical health, your anxiety, your this, your that. Are you a certified hypochondriac? Do you thrive on chaos and turmoil and negativity? Do you ever have a day go by where you do something productive, you are thankful for what you DO have, where you're NOT bitching about SOMETHING? How DO you come up with the many original names you use here. Do you sit there in your robe, curlers in your hair, and make up lists of interesting names? Do you then put them into a hat and draw from the hat? Does the name you use here depend on your mood? the position of the stars? the alignment of the planets? Have you told your doctor about this constant need to use various names? That's something that should definitely be addressed, STAT! What you need, "jennie", is Momma-Joe Barker's Remedy, also known as "get-yur-head-out-of-yer-ass-and-get-to-livin"......it even comes in a wide assortment of delectable flavors, to tempt your palate. Poor Jennie, "woe is me" must be your life's motto. L
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jennie/ to tony

honestly tony: this is why i post here about the "supposedly" same thing: alot of times i don't see it as the same ole thing...that is why....or something new comes up and think that maybe it will help me to understand why i am going through alot of what i go through.


like i said about my mom dying eight years ago, still troubles me, it still deeply hurts me as my mom was my best friend....


since i moved to this state i have no friends...i have had trouble's one after another with my health....depression from all of it and a boyfriend whom i thought was a jerk but has turned out in the end to be quite a saviour.


tony, i know i love him, he is not as bad as i thought....but the problem lyes within me...and i know that...and i am working on that...


i am still in counseling....my daughter and grandson have now moved out and i feel very lonely as well.


my boyfriends family has taken me in like no one ever has...i have never been close to anyone in my family and now that i moved 800 miles away from them i feel the lonliness and emptyness of what i had back home, but i will not leave here now as my daughters and grandkids live here too.


i am honestly evaluating myself all the time....i am enrolled in school now, i was there today doing my paper work for the upcoming fall courses...i am interested in computer courses possible medical transcriptionist.


i am not crazy as someone would have me labeled because i post about the same thing....that does not make one crazy...i have hypoglycemia, hypothyroid, perimenopause and the empty nest syndrome and not to mention my dying dog to deal with...


i have alot on my mind and always the first thing that i want to do when i feel overwhelmed by something is to pack up and move...something else i am working on in counseling......i am human and i have feelings too....and i don't appreciate them being stomped all over....i don't fnd that very mature for anyone to do to someone....


i have not ever stooped so low myself as i have on here to engage in such petty arguing....it is worthless...but i have felt the need to defend myself...


i always came back to you.....if you remember most of my posts were "to tony" "from jennie" you helped me out alot but then someone else stepped in and started making a big deal about my medical problems here, understandly so, but still i needed someone to talk to and you always seemed willing, and didn't judge me and condemn me to a life of hell on this message board.


i'm will apologize to you and others but not "one" in particular as she has caused me alot of unnecessary grief...


i am not going to respond to her post about this and i hope she wont and just leaves me alone...


i use the other names because it has become impossible to come here under "jennie" and post without being run down into the ground about it. i just mainly need to vent and ask questions to see if it is me or him or what? does that make sense?


i never ever wanted any of this to happen...i am very frustrated by all this....i argue more here with people more then anywhere in my whole life right now....including my boyfriend.


as you know i lost my job because of the medical problems i've been having....i see my dr. thursday and they are going to do adreanl gland and cortisol testing and hopefully will find something out about the hypoglycemia as that has been the worst of my problems lately.


in the mean time i have been working at my boyfriends brother's print shop...he is paying me for it as well....i have also been learning to contribute more to help my boyfriend as when before i always wanted to just be alone when he asked me to help him, so i could see why he was upset with me alot....


but with the counseling i am slowly learning about some of the behaviours i have been exhibiting....and learning coping skills with the stress of everything and "trying" really hard to not use "running away" as my way of dealing with things....and at times i think i wanted to run away from the responsibility of life and caused more problems for my boyfriend then it of course made him look like the bad guy.....when in fact it was/is me...


tony, please don't sit and judge me....i'm not anything like what you and or others think....i am just a confused woman who is trying very hard to straighten out her life and needs feed back and maybe reassurance...not someone to hold my hand but just someone to listen too.....


the post about my mom, deeply hurt me as i was feeling the frustrations of these medical problems i am having and at the time i wrote that i was feeling totally hopeless and yes helpless too.....and i walked by my moms picture and i felt such a surge of anger it really scared me and not having someone to run to and cry on their shoulder i came here....i posted mostly to vent and got persecuted to hell for it...that is not right!


so you see....while you all think i'm this loser with all these aliases......i am not.....i am a caring, loving, fun, mostly happy, but yes at times troubled person....who is struggling like anyone else does/has and just needs some support from others that is all i ever wanted...


i'm sorry to you....for all the trouble i caused....but if i could of just posted under "jennie" as i was and had been doing for a very long time, like way last summer then all this other crap would not of happened....


i hope i have explained myself to the point where you don't think i'm looking for sympathy or something stupid, i'm only looking for friends, validation, venting, communication, happiness.....and the advice of people that i thougth actually cared on here, because when i use to post on here i got alot of help and unfortunately people think i don't use their advice but it's not easy to just walk away from someone like so many say to just leave him....


i am glad that i did not leave him....i think with staying with him that i have learned alot that i would not of learned had i left him....like about not being selfish, working as a team, partners, unconditional love, as his love for me scared me along time ago, but now i welcome it....i've learned to trust him, something i've never ever ever done with a guy!


that to me is progress....baby steps have been taken...and the posts about my mom and my dog were very legit, but of course if i had used jennie, i would of been yelled at anyway, so i have been forced to use different names...


i would love to come here as "jennie" and post and or vent but without repercussion...but i feel that is now impossible as the moderator now seems to erase my posts...


soooooo....on that i note i will close....i appreciate your honesty and your wisdom and have come back mainly for your help......maybe i've gotten dependent on this board and or you...but like i said....i just have not made any friends yet here....i'm hoping when i start school next fall that that will happen.....thanx for listening....jen

i would really like to know cause i don't understand when i post a very serious feeling and hurtful post it is okay to be trampled all over? but not to defend myself? i spoke the truth, my truth and it gets deleted, i use my real name and it gets deleted yet someone else can speak their mind and it is "okay"? ....this is why i have to use aliases....don't you see that? i will not ever respond to that loser laurynn again....her life is just pathetic.....and she takes it out on others...
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jennie/ to tony....!!!

i posted this earlier but i don't know if you scrolled down to see it was there.....you asked me seriously, so i answered you seriously.....thank you....

honestly tony: this is why i post here about the "supposedly" same thing: alot of times i don't see it as the same ole thing...that is why....or something new comes up and think that maybe it will help me to understand why i am going through alot of what i go through. like i said about my mom dying eight years ago, still troubles me, it still deeply hurts me as my mom was my best friend.... since i moved to this state i have no friends...i have had trouble's one after another with my health....depression from all of it and a boyfriend whom i thought was a jerk but has turned out in the end to be quite a saviour. tony, i know i love him, he is not as bad as i thought....but the problem lyes within me...and i know that...and i am working on that... i am still in counseling....my daughter and grandson have now moved out and i feel very lonely as well. my boyfriends family has taken me in like no one ever has...i have never been close to anyone in my family and now that i moved 800 miles away from them i feel the lonliness and emptyness of what i had back home, but i will not leave here now as my daughters and grandkids live here too.


i am honestly evaluating myself all the time....i am enrolled in school now, i was there today doing my paper work for the upcoming fall courses...i am interested in computer courses possible medical transcriptionist. i am not crazy as someone would have me labeled because i post about the same thing....that does not make one crazy...i have hypoglycemia, hypothyroid, perimenopause and the empty nest syndrome and not to mention my dying dog to deal with... i have alot on my mind and always the first thing that i want to do when i feel overwhelmed by something is to pack up and move...something else i am working on in counseling......i am human and i have feelings too....and i don't appreciate them being stomped all over....i don't fnd that very mature for anyone to do to someone.... i have not ever stooped so low myself as i have on here to engage in such petty arguing....it is worthless...but i have felt the need to defend myself... i always came back to you.....if you remember most of my posts were "to tony" "from jennie" you helped me out alot but then someone else stepped in and started making a big deal about my medical problems here, understandly so, but still i needed someone to talk to and you always seemed willing, and didn't judge me and condemn me to a life of hell on this message board.


i'm will apologize to you and others but not "one" in particular as she has caused me alot of unnecessary grief... i am not going to respond to her post about this and i hope she wont and just leaves me alone...


i use the other names because it has become impossible to come here under "jennie" and post without being run down into the ground about it. i just mainly need to vent and ask questions to see if it is me or him or what? does that make sense? i never ever wanted any of this to happen...i am very frustrated by all this....i argue more here with people more then anywhere in my whole life right now....including my boyfriend. as you know i lost my job because of the medical problems i've been having....i see my dr. thursday and they are going to do adreanl gland and cortisol testing and hopefully will find something out about the hypoglycemia as that has been the worst of my problems lately. in the mean time i have been working at my boyfriends brother's print shop...he is paying me for it as well....i have also been learning to contribute more to help my boyfriend as when before i always wanted to just be alone when he asked me to help him, so i could see why he was upset with me alot.... but with the counseling i am slowly learning about some of the behaviours i have been exhibiting....and learning coping skills with the stress of everything and "trying" really hard to not use "running away" as my way of dealing with things....and at times i think i wanted to run away from the responsibility of life and caused more problems for my boyfriend then it of course made him look like the bad guy.....when in fact it was/is me... tony, please don't sit and judge me....i'm not anything like what you and or others think....i am just a confused woman who is trying very hard to straighten out her life and needs feed back and maybe reassurance...not someone to hold my hand but just someone to listen too..... the post about my mom, deeply hurt me as i was feeling the frustrations of these medical problems i am having and at the time i wrote that i was feeling totally hopeless and yes helpless too.....and i walked by my moms picture and i felt such a surge of anger it really scared me and not having someone to run to and cry on their shoulder i came here....i posted mostly to vent and got persecuted to hell for it...that is not right! so you see....while you all think i'm this loser with all these aliases......i am not.....i am a caring, loving, fun, mostly happy, but yes at times troubled person....who is struggling like anyone else does/has and just needs some support from others that is all i ever wanted...


i'm sorry to you....for all the trouble i caused....but if i could of just posted under "jennie" as i was and had been doing for a very long time, like way last summer then all this other crap would not of happened....


i hope i have explained myself to the point where you don't think i'm looking for sympathy or something stupid, i'm only looking for friends, validation, venting, communication, happiness.....and the advice of people that i thougth actually cared on here, because when i use to post on here i got alot of help and unfortunately people think i don't use their advice but it's not easy to just walk away from someone like so many say to just leave him.... i am glad that i did not leave him....i think with staying with him that i have learned alot that i would not of learned had i left him....like about not being selfish, working as a team, partners, unconditional love, as his love for me scared me along time ago, but now i welcome it....i've learned to trust him, something i've never ever ever done with a guy! that to me is progress....baby steps have been taken...and the posts about my mom and my dog were very legit, but of course if i had used jennie, i would of been yelled at anyway, so i have been forced to use different names... i would love to come here as "jennie" and post and or vent but without repercussion...but i feel that is now impossible as the moderator now seems to erase my posts... soooooo....on that i note i will close....i appreciate your honesty and your wisdom and have come back mainly for your help......maybe i've gotten dependent on this board and or you...but like i said....i just have not made any friends yet here....i'm hoping when i start school next fall that that will happen.....thanx for listening....jen


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I reviewed your answer and found it enlightening. I appreciate you taking the time to write it.


I don't answer responses, as a rule, if no answer is called for. No reason to make every thread into an epic as some people enjoy doing. I hope you understand.


Thanks again.

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jennie/ to tony....!!!/ i understand and agree..
I reviewed your answer and found it enlightening. I appreciate you taking the time to write it.


I don't answer responses, as a rule, if no answer is called for. No reason to make every thread into an epic as some people enjoy doing. I hope you understand. Thanks again.

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