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what's holding him up?

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My friend and I have broken up twice before, but we always will be in touch with eachother, that's the way we work. We are so at ease with eachother we can tell anything/joke/cry/laugh (etc) together. We are soulmates (in my opinion).

We broke up before because he

1. didn't know what he was missing, and

2. want's to see how he handles being 'seperated' from me (ie deciding whether I should be his wife). He wants to do it right the first time to avoid heartache later, which I understand.

I am upset with 2. because we both want to be together and it hurts me I can't have him, and to hear him admit he wants to give it another shot. He wants time to think whether I should be with him for the rest of his life as opposed to others who he could have a relationship with. He is weighing up "candidate" plans for life in general as well as beliefs that are similar to his.

I know I am the one for him because it's my gut instinct and I've seen it displayed.

He says if he doesn't see me he misses me and it hurts; I'm the same way. He admits I'm hot and he cares for me more than any material item, and he won't do anything to hurt me. If he cares so much and feels the same I do, why is he needing more time to think? To me the signals are all fine, but he is hesitating. Am I wrong on this?

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