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? for the girlz


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we hear horror story after horror story


I told her I loved her now she wont talk to me ....


so when is it ok to stop playing the I don't like you that much game and admit your feelings.


whats your thoughts

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Hi there,


I have never played that game. Saying the "L" word is a toughie though. I recently just told my current boyfriend (4 months and still wonderful) that I love him- but I also told him that he didn't have to say or do anything, and that I just needed to tell him. The feeling had been growing inside of me to tell him how much I care for him, and I just reached a point where I felt that I wanted him to know. He hasn't said it back to me yet, and that's fine- I don't bombard him with it. To me it was most important that he know he is loved. But one person saying it puts pressure on the other to reciprocate- hence my infrequent use.


He and I have discussed the "L" word and our previous relationships, and we both tend to agree that saying and hearing the words tends to reinforce the connection and the feeling. So he asked me, very seriously, not to say it until I was sure- and because he asked, I waited until I was. I'm looking forward to the day when I hear it back. :)

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