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How do I stop this?

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I am a premature ejaculator. Is there any realistic way to stop this???? Please help me and my girl friend.


I do not have this problem during oral sex, but intercourse, forget it! Less than 30 seconds!



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While it's a serious problem, there are many credible and lasting treatments. Copy the following web address, paste it in your browser, and go. This site seems to have some of the best medical explanations and treatments for premature ejaculation: http://www.menshealth.co.za/html/body_premature_ejaculation.htm


Don't fall for all these commercial, scam cures. Don't spend money on them.


I also strongly recommend you see a urologist for a complete examination to see if there are any biological/physiological reasons for your problem. It's likely your doctor will have a treatment regimen that will work well. I think this problem is serious enough that you shouldn't depend totally on self help.


If the above website is not sufficient for your needs and you seek more information, put "premature ejaculation treatment" (without the quotation marks) in your favorite search engine and press "go". You'll find tons of information on the subject. My favorite search engine is: www.google.com You can find everything there.

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