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Hello well I have a problem me and my boyfriend meet each other on the computer (I know it's stupid to meet someone over the comp)Anyway well me and him really started liking each other and the reason why I decided to go out with him was b/c we are actually both from New York and we life very close to each other like 1 block. The reason why I am not home in New York right now is b/c my parents are out of state on a business trip and I was not able to stay by myself in NY. Well we meet each other about 2 months ago in a chat room and we totally liked each other and i never knew that i could actually like someone i meet on the computer at first before i meet him i though that was just for computer freaks (lol).Well when we meet each other it was like i was thinking that i am gonna see him this summer and i would go back home to NY and stay w my aunt and then come back and wait for my parents. But that now is not going to happen cuz my aunt is having a lot of problems right now with her baby's father so I cant go. I been feeling very upset cuz I cant see him and everything. And the only way I could see him was if we both would wait for like 3 or 4 month until my parents come back or he comes and see me.Actualy I want him to come see me he told me before that if it would come to it he would see me but I was like no it's ok. Well now i want him to come and see me cuz i miss him like hell and i don't actually like the fact that i never seen him u know it just feels not right :-(.Anyway yeh so i want him to but i don't know how to say it i mean like i don't wanna sound demanding in a way and i know it would be very expensive if he would come here and see me but damn I want him to so bad. I really don't know what to do now at all so please give me some advice and God bless

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if you really like this guy and he is willing to come and see you, then let him!! he offered, which he wouldn't have done if he wasn't serious about it. just tell him you are keen to meet him and would like to take him up on his offer, if it still stands. tell him you most certainly aren't putting any pressure on him, and if he can't afford it then you entirely understand. you've got nothing to lose. if he says no, then be understanding and leave it at that. and if it's a yes, then yipee!! you won't find out unless you ask. otherwise, you don't have much choice other than to hold off and continue your relationship over the computer.

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