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he always argues

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Last night my bf came over to visit me.And I was telling him how my week was.Then at one time during his visit I got irritated cause I knew he tried to start on me.He was saying "do you talk ,which he knows I talk he was trying to start a argument with me.Every time he comes over its always something.Then he kept repeating himself saying "hey" "why dont you talk to me" "it seems like you dont like to talk to me' every time hes here he starts this it gets annoying I said to him "stop".


When he first arrived at my house I talked to him like I always do.I just dont understand why he has to start on me about these things.


We dont get along.

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Im a 15f, me and my bf have been together about 8 or 9 months now veryyy close.Everytime he comes over or i go over to his house, we fight.......... he starts on me, or we fight then drag it out till we leave fighting and it turns froma lil like talking or tv fight to a trust or love or relationship like comfort fight.... its horrible.Right now we decided to see eachother whenever we have fun things cuz we never fight when we are out doing fun things, out to eat mall/ movies/ mini golf/wall climbing/paintballing/go carting.. stuff like that....the day after deciding that we went to the mall.... it was a totally diff feeling between us, we werent soo close didnt hold hands no kiss,only on the cheek a few times, it didnt feel right, we r usually like bro and sis laughing joking soooo comfy round' eachother, but i was like nervous...And now he wants to see me but not fight and me too, i just am scared to give that abother try cuz fighting could ruin our whole relationship or 8 months, its upsetting, how can 2 people in love fight sooooo much when theyre together?

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