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what should i do?

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Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 3 months now... and last friday, we were at a party and we went upstairs and had sex.. we went all the way...the next night..he came to see me at home and i told him that if we did it again i might get pregnant...so we agreed not do anything...but about 5 mins later we realized we couldnt stay away, and had sex again... but we didnt use protection and i was fine, i even went for tests and i wasnt pregnant....and then at school, i was in the bathroom, when he just came in and pulled my pants down and we had sex...but this time i might be pregnant and i told him and he just suggested to have sex again...and so we did...and im pretty sure i am pregnant...what should i do now?

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Why is it that teenage girls only worry about pregnancy and not STD's, as well.


First of all - stop having unprotected sex. If he wants to leave you because of it - let him.


Secondly, you don't know your course of action until you take a pregnancy test and confirm it with your doctor. And that's the place you should discuss the options available to you - once you know for sure. If not your doctor, Planned Parenthood is a good alternative.


While getting your pregnancy test, make sure you get tested for the many STD's you could have as well, as many of them are silent and live in your body for such a long time, and you don't know you have them until it's too late.


Finally, seriously considering talking to one of your parents - whichever you feel is more open and honest with you. Yes, whichever parent you go to talk to is bound to yell - you're bound to get in trouble - but you are in need of serious help - and when all else fails - your parents love you more than you know. (At least, that's been my experience.)


Good Luck...

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