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HELLLLLLp Im going INSAINE>>>>>>


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Hi everyone well first of my name is Kimberly and thanx for reading this. I meet my Boyfriend not to long ago ok almost 6months and he already told me he loves me he actually told me he loved me like 4 weeks after we where officially going out and that seemed a lil wired to me (well not really b/c one of my b/f before it took him only 1 month too and it seems like people say they love me quick mean not even 3 months that was wired but well i liked the way he treated me oh my God he treated me great. And well b/c of that i thought he was just playing with me and my feelings so i actually treated him bad and said thinks to him that i shouldn't had said just to see if he would stay with me and he did stay with me and no matter what i said to him he never said anything mean back and always respected me and respected my whishes.And well now i am in love with him too and this is my first time i am in love b/c before i meet him i didn't really have an answer to the question what is love but now after i meet him i know what is it and it is a wonderful feeling i feel so great and i cant explaine.Anyway but i am upset cuz u know he is a guy and guys well most lie all the do is lie and i been in bad relationships before and well i got hurt so i am a lil skeptic. Also i feel that i do more for him the he does for me like it might sound funny or crazy to you but that is just how i feel, i wake up early every Saturday and Sunday to talk to him he never wakes up for me early in the morning to talk to me, I think about him all the time i mean my baby is always on my mind and i don't know if i am on him mind all the time too b/c if i was he would be calling me 24/7 checking up on me when he left on a vacation, i do so much for him i mean all the thinking about him and all that does he do the same thing no he don't (well that is what i think) and when i tell him he be like I'm trippin.Well i just don't like it when i am the one thinking about him and i don't know if he is thinking about me or not. But back to the main reason why i wrote this i still cant believe that i could be so lucky and find a guy like him in Manhattan i mean NYC is big and i find him wow.


Anyway he tells me he loves me he treats me good like i said and he just he is so sweet he tells me that i am right now after his Mom the most important person in his live and that he thinks about our future and that he want's kids w me some day(lol).I mean he just tells me everything out there a girl wants to hear u know he is so special to me i cant even explain it i am really in love with this guy and i do not want to get hurt so i mean is there any way i could like see if he loves me for real? Please help me i am going crazy i mean damn me Kimberly have a guy like that. Wow i am seriously going crazy love is a great thing something i never want to give away something i learned to something that i know the meaning of after i meet my b/f.But i am worried how can i know he feels the same ,b/c i just don't wanna get hurt. And also one reason i cant believe it is like i said i am not really lucky in finding the right guy u know i mean i always pick the wrong one but now it seems so different and i just cant believe it. When i ask him if he loves me truly he be like yeah shorty i do but well i wanna know for sure. So is there anything i could do to find out?Should I tell him to prove it to me. I know I sound stupid right now but I guess that is what love made me crazy. And I am sorry for writing so much I hope u can read it all.


Thanx and God Bless



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There are no guarantees in love Kimberly, all you can do is take a calculated leap of faith. If this guy is treating you with love and respect, then don't worry so much. You should not ask him to prove his love, if you continually seek proof and reassurance of his love, then you'll most likely end up pushing him away. Don't let your insecurities and clinginess get the better of you.


Just because he doesn't think of you 24/7 doesn't mean he doesn't care as much as you. It's unhealthy to be with/think of someone 24/7...you both need lives and friends outside of each other. As far as him not getting up early in the morning to talk to you, well maybe he's like me and likes to sleep lol. It doesn't mean that he's not giving as much into the relationship.


Loosen up, and enjoy your relationship. Just because you're in love, doesn't mean that you should be joined at the hip. The fastest way to kill it, is to smother it with insecurity and neediness.


P.S. I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, but reading your post was exhausting. A comma here, a period there, a paragraph break or two, would do wonders to make your post more readable.

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First let me say that love is not something that drives you insane... insecurity, selfishness, and jealousy will, but not love.


I believe you may have a good guy here but that you're allowing past experiences to tear down your trust and self-esteem. I'm not saying you are a desperate girl but I feel a sense of desperation coming through as though perhaps you don't feel quite whole unless you are receiving a man's attention.


Give yourself some time with this relationship. Some time just to be and to enjoy. Give yourself some time outside this relationship as well; time with family and time-proven friends will give you a solid base and will enable you to more clearly measure your friendship and love with your boyfriend.


Time will prove or disprove this love. For now don't be so insecure or self-centered as to demand proof of his love. If his actions thus far are not enough to assure you, take some quiet time to consider if it is his performance or something inside yourself causing these doubts.


Hopefully the panicked moment has passed for you by now so that you are able to just enjoy yourself. Enjoy today and you'll find many of the pieces you worry about will fall gently into place.


Best wishes,



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