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people can u help me, im 13 and need help with a girl :(

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Guys, im going out with this girl right.. But whenever im around her i suddenly dont talk much at ALL!!.. i feel like such a jerk... is it because im fidget, and can someone give me hints on overcoming being fidget...


Please guys, i dont want to be a lover that only can talk to her on MSN!! i want to confront her and be nice, and *Actually* go out with her :(

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Guys, im going out with this girl right.. But whenever im around her i suddenly dont talk much at ALL!!.. i feel like such a jerk... is it because im fidget, and can someone give me hints on overcoming being fidget...


Please guys, i dont want to be a lover that only can talk to her on MSN!! i want to confront her and be nice, and *Actually* go out with her :(

r u serious this is exactly like me

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a little secret: My job entails talking to strangers and getting information from them to publish in our church paper. I do okay most of the time, but you know what? I still get tongue-tied around cute young high school age guys when I'm old enough to be their mama! Normally I'm a jabberjaws without even trying :) So, freezing up when it comes to one-on-one, real life conversations is a very normal occurance, no matter what age you are.


how long have you known her? Do you know what her interests or likes are? Sometimes that's the easiest way to break the ice or get a conversation going, asking someone about something you know they're interested in. Or even starting up a discussion about a current event you're interested in. All of us are flattered when someone is truly interested in our opinion or the stuff we like, and you don't even have to worry about carrying the whole conversation if you ask the right questions at the right time. Try initiating that conversation with her (real-life, real time) a couple of times; as you grow more comfortable in the art of dialogue with this person, it'll come natural when you ask her out.


one thing you ought to keep in mind when you do ask her out? Make it be an option, not a demand. Say something like, "We can get together sometime to see a movie or grab a bite or hang out, if you'd like." That lets her know you're interested, but not so much that you want to crowd her.


best of luck to you birdy, and remember to RELAX when you start that conversation. Girls love to talk to people, no matter what their age is.



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