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Re: If he won't talk to me, how do I dunp him? Or do I???

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Well I have been going out with this guy for 3 months today. It's a secret relationship because he's too old for me, so his parents say. But anyway, I haven't really talked to him in the last month. I call him every now and than and tell him to come and visit me, but he works 5 days a week and he can't let his parents find out, do it's hard. We used to see each other all the time in school, but now it's summer. Anyway, I like/have a small crush on another guy. He's a bit older too, and I don't even know if he'd ever go out with me. But I kinda think I'm supposed to break up with my B/f before persuing another guy, am I not?? But I don't really think my B/F has ne feelings, at least not many left. If he did he would have made the effort to come and see me don't you think?? WEll I dunno, if I'm supposed to somehow get a hold of my b/f and break up, or stay with him, or just be single. By that I mean, not tell him that we've broken up, (because I've tried to call, he's always either out or sleeping) and just go on as if I am single. PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP!!!! thankx so much Elmo

Out of simple courtesy, you should at least end one relationship before you begin another. To benefit, you should allow yourself some time between relationships to reflect on what did or didn't work. That's a very crucial step that many people overlook. On another note, I have to wonder just how much age differences we are talking about here on both the current boyfriend and this guy you are pursuing. It is definitely an issue, regardless of how some people like to play it off as "nothing but a number." You have to realize that age differences in the teens and early twenties can encompass very significant years. People can move from one stage of life to the next fairly rapidly when young. It is important to realize that people who are separated by years are also separated by things like life experience, wisdom, maturity, peer group, and general position in life. It is naive to think that you can simply overlook these things.

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It seems like he's not trying and I would say dump him.


If he has time to go out with other people, and he chooses sleep over you, then, I don't see any future for this relationship. By the way, how much of an age difference are you talking about? It seems like you're both students...

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