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Different Religions..

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If you met the person of your dreams and was of different religion, how would you go about things if neither of you wanted to change beliefs (convert..ect..) With respect to the marriage ceremony and raising of children?


A friend and i have asked many people this question and are intrested in what all of you have to say since you give such great advice..

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This is a question that each person has to answer for his or herself totally. What other people would do is irrelvant to the decision you would make, based on your own religious beliefs, religious training, strictness of the religion, your age, feelings of family, etc.


I think two mature people, who are open minded and flexible in their thinking, can resolve this quickly. These types of people would have no problem on deciding how children were raised where religion is concerned since the children would make up their own minds in time anyway. They would raise their children in such a fashion that they would be able to come to their own religious philosophies and conclusions.


As for me personally, many of the women I date mostly worship money and since I don't have a whole lot...there isn't much to discuss, on some days nothing at all. (lol)

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Hi Tabitha!


My husband is Catholic and I am Christian (nondenominational). We both believe in God and that the Bible sets our foundation for HOW to live. We have attended each other's churches. Our families made more out of it than we ever did. Neither of us converted or tried to get the other to convert. With respect to our marriage ceremony, we eloped since our families could not agree on how WE should get married, and we felt it was up to us.


I know churchs that tell you to be "evenly yoked" that is --you and your partner should be of the same religion, same beliefs, same conviction, etc. -- but my husband and I interpreted this as both should be believers. We both have strong religious beliefs even though they might not be exactly the same, we don't mind.


I can imagine being of different religions could cause a lot of problems in a relationship, for many reasons. For us, the problems were mostly family based; i.e. his mother wanted him to marry a good catholic girl, my mother didn't want me to marry a catholic, my dad was an athiest (he didn't care one way or the other)...you get the idea.


Hope this helps.




P.S. Besides, if he were the guy of "my dreams" I wouldn't care what religion he were!!! In my dreams, everything always works out just fine...:)

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This is an excellent positive way to look at things. My b/f and I absolutely agree. It sounds like you and your husband are very in sync. I wish you both the best.



Hi Tabitha! My husband is Catholic and I am Christian (nondenominational). We both believe in God and that the Bible sets our foundation for HOW to live. We have attended each other's churches. Our families made more out of it than we ever did. Neither of us converted or tried to get the other to convert. With respect to our marriage ceremony, we eloped since our families could not agree on how WE should get married, and we felt it was up to us. I know churchs that tell you to be "evenly yoked" that is --you and your partner should be of the same religion, same beliefs, same conviction, etc. -- but my husband and I interpreted this as both should be believers. We both have strong religious beliefs even though they might not be exactly the same, we don't mind. I can imagine being of different religions could cause a lot of problems in a relationship, for many reasons. For us, the problems were mostly family based; i.e. his mother wanted him to marry a good catholic girl, my mother didn't want me to marry a catholic, my dad was an athiest (he didn't care one way or the other)...you get the idea. Hope this helps. Ajay P.S. Besides, if he were the guy of "my dreams" I wouldn't care what religion he were!!! In my dreams, everything always works out just fine...:)
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Thanks d!


We just celebrated our twelve-year anniversary last month... Believe me, we've had some tough times together, but they've only make the good times better.



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