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I feel that my character is ruined by what happened

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First I would like to say im at this website looking for help. Im looking for something to make me feel better on a daily basis. Im here to try and find what I need to change. Before this, the situation im about to tell you, happend I would have thought that being on a site like this would be rediculus, and now I find this is perhaps the best hope I have for helping me. This is how it is: I have been going out with my girlfriend for a little over 2 years now. I cheated on her with a girl about a year and a half into our relationship. This girl I cheated on her with was a friend of mine who hung around with my friends kinda frequently. I say my friends because my girlfriend never hangs out with me and my friends. She has a seperate set of friends that she always hangs out with. Sence this happend this girl I cheated on my girlfriend with no longer hangs out with my friends. She is totally out of the picture, I mean occasionally she'd call one of us to say hello..but we no longer hangout. Im kinda happy for that. Sence all this went down I have felt guilt everyday. Im sad. I guess you could say im depressed about it. I regret this so much. I never wanted to go back in time and change what I do so much. The group of guys I hang with all know this happend, turns out the girl I cheated with told one of them what happend and it spread throughout my group of friends. I feel that my character is ruined by what happend. It hurts so much thinking about what they must think of me now. I have no idea how to improve my character, I also have no idea about how to cope with the guilt I feel about doing this to my girlfriend. Im so deeply disapointed in myself. I love her so much. To think I could do such a thing to her i cant even comprehend, but I did. I dont know whats wrong with me. Im asking for your help. I know I will never cheat on my girlfriend again, but that doesnt help the fact that I did, i need to know how to deal with this and the fact that my character is ruined. Please anyone give me some advice. Thankyou so much for reading.

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